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Can I consume ayurvedic medicines to sleep better?

I am having very disturbed sleep for the last month due to work tension. I don't want to have allopathic medicines for sleep. Can I opt for ayurvedic medicines for a better sleep?...

Can natural health supplements like ashwagandha have a bad effect with anaesthesia?

I am due for a biopsy and according to the doctors I will be given general anaesthesia and hence I need to stop all my health supplements a week prior to the biopsy. I have been...

Are there any home remedies to treat diaper rash?

My baby has recently developed diaper rashes. There are commercial diaper creams available in the market but i am not sure of their efficacy. Are there any trusted and safe home...

Are there any home remedies to manage swallowing pain?

I have developed a throat rash which is extremely painful. The throat has gone completely dry and swallowing has also become very difficult. Are there any home remedies that...

Turmeric use

Can eating a lot of turmeric, or taking supplements, really help prevent cancer?

Leptomeningeals disease- help me get more time?

I am a 62 year old stage 4 breast cancer patient who has been on treatment for bone mets for the last 6 years which have been relatively stable. I recently was told in my last...

Acupuncture for fertility- will it increase my ovarian reserve?

I am 34 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for 6 years. I have done 3 IVF cycles all with poor results. They were unable to retrieve more than a few eggs and none...

How effective is clove oil to reduce tooth pain?

I am experiencing pain in my tooth. I read somewhere that clove oil can be very effective in treating toothache. Is this true? What is the right way to use clove oil to alleviate...

I have lupus. How can I treat it naturally?

Medications prescribed for me in the past have not worked. Are there ways I can naturally treat my lupus?

I have lupus. How can I treat it naturally?

Medications prescribed for me in the past have not worked. Are there ways I can naturally treat my lupus?

How do I best treat frequent headaches?

I get frequent headaches. I've had a lot of testing done and there is no conclusive reason for them. Do you have any suggestions for treating them that don't involve medications?...

What medication can you not prescribe?

I would like to go to a naturopath. I take several prescription though. Are there limits on the type of prescriptions you can order? One of my medications is Ativan.

I don't like taking high blood pressure medication

I have been on Lisinopril for high blood pressure for many years. My blood pressure is well regulated but I really don't like how the medicine makes me feel. It's nothing specific,...

I was diagnosed with torticollis and need to go to physical therapy. What kind of treatment will I receive?

I developed torticollis, and my primary doctor referred me to a physical therapist. I am wondering how the physical therapist will treat my condition.

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