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Grandfather has acid reflux, is forcing himself to vomit to "make himself feel better"?

My grandfather is vomiting almost every hour, including waking up several times in the night. He has some acid reflux, but does not need to vomit, just says "it will make him...

Visiting a cancer patient who just had surgery?

Hello! I am reaching out to ask for advice. My father in law recently completed chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to remove a tumor in his esophagus. His surgery was 2 weeks...

Which antidepressants should be avoided in the elderly?

My grandmother has depression and I want to give her antidepressants. Which antidepressant should be avoided in the elderly?

Is local anesthesia safe for 80 years old?

My grandma will have surgery under local anesthesia. Is local anesthesia safe for 80 years old?

Something wrong with all my fingernails on both hands?

I have always had pink healthy nails. In April this year, all my fingernails suddenly started to look dirty like I had been gardening. My nails have not grown at all since April...

Can scabies be determined by a biopsy of the bites?

My mother is 92 years old approximately 1 month ago she stared getting welts all over her body. he went to the doctor and they said it was bug bites. We brought in a bed bug...

I am weaning off tramadol?

I am a 69 year old female retired trauma nurse of 32 yrs. I fell in my home and suffered a tri-malleolar fix and fibulae fix to my LLE. I have been on tramadol 50mgs q 6 hrs....

Monoclonul infusion?

My boyfriend received his 2 covid vaccines by Feb 21, 2021. 15 days ago he thought he had a cold, no fever, chills off and on for 2 days then coughing. 8 days later, Aug 10,...

Weeping ulcer?

My elderly mother has weeping ulcers that run constantly and is very painful at time. She was on and antibiotic first by iv during a hospital visit and then a pill at home for...

Tongue movements?

Hello. I'm 65, and the older I get, the more I move my tongue to the left and right of my mouth. I do it without thinking about it, but I can stop if I constantly think about...

What anesthetic agent should be avoided in geriatric patients?

My grandmother will have surgery under general anesthesia. I want to know what anesthetic agent should be avoided in geriatric patients?

Is Parkinson's genetic?

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Is it serious? Is Parkinson's genetic?

Is chiropractic safe for elderly?

My grandmother is 67 years old. She has back pain. I want to know if a chiropractic adjustment is safe for the elderly?

Pain in the chest going to the left shoulder?

I have a pain in the center of my chest that is also in my shoulder when I take a normal or deep breath. I'm 70 years old.

Is general anesthesia safe for the elderly?

My grandfather is 71 years old. He will have surgery under general anesthesia. Is general anesthesia safe for the elderly?

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for back pain?

I am a 68-year-old male. I have chronic back pain. I want to have acupuncture treatment. How long does it take for acupuncture to work for back pain?

How long should a headache last before seeing a doctor?

I am 71 years old and keep having headaches. I don't know what to do. How long should a headache last before seeing a doctor?

What foods cause kidney stones?

I was diagnosed with kidney stones. What foods cause kidney stones?

PICC on mastectomy side or pacemaker side?

My mom had emergency intestinal surgery and needs a PICC for nutrition. She has had a mastectomy over thirty years ago on one side and has a pacemaker on the other side. They...

Will I regain weight after stomach band surgery?

I am recovering from stomach band surgery. I worry I will regain all the weight in 6 months. I think I am addicted to my foods.

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