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Purple dots on arm?

I woke up yesterday to 2 small purple/red dots on my inner left arm. They are pretty small, about the size of a mole, and about an inch apart. They haven't grown in size, but...

My body feels like a complete wreck, what could it be?

I'm a 24 years old female. 1. 5-2 months ago I started having vertical and horizontal lines on all my fingers. Then I noticed that neither of my fingers prunes in water, but...

I have swelling in my feet and legs?

My feet and legs swell up. I take water pills but the swelling is not going down. What can I do?

Shingles treatment?

I am 37 years old. I have a background of shingles 4x now. I have a pic of what's going on. As of symptoms in and out of hot, cold. Shocking like an electric shock from right...

What's wrong with my fingers?

About 3 weeks ago my fingers started swelling, turned red, sometimes itchy. I went to the doctor the doc did some blood tests they told me to go to the bone(? ) The doctor basically...

What are these spots on my skin and should I be worried?

I'm worried about my skin. Today I found some spots on my skin. One is on my shoulder which I think may be a pimple scab but it looks different from other pimple scabs I've had....

Dermatologist question?

I have a dermatologist appointment in two weeks. I’m a bit nervous, since two of my moles are discolored (have black in it) instead of all being a solid brown. Do all moles like...

Chronic wound?

I am 63 years old and have had symmetrical chronic wounds on both ankles for about ten years. The wound is falling to heal. FBS 6. 7mmol/g. Around the wound is getting dark....

What type of anesthesia is used for a child's tonsil removal?

My daughter will have a tonsillectomy. What type of anesthesia is used for a child's tonsil removal?

Foot infections?

I have skin peeling and craters.

I have feelings of a rash?

It feels like I have a bad rash on my side but there is no rash.

I have a quarter size bump on my forehead?

I have a quarter-size bump on my forehead it’s hard but I thought it was a pimple. I tried to pop it and now it’s swollen do you know what it could be it doesn’t have a whitehead....

Facial swelling?

My right eye regularly swells up, almost to the point of closure. Sometimes it is accompanied by a headache but not always. Sometimes it lasts a couple of hours, but I am currently...

Skin bumps?

I'm getting these weird bumps that are white and like in lines on my skin and they are itchy too. They go away in like 20 minutes but I'm getting it consistently and my body has...

I have an irregular mole and need to know if I need to get it examined?

I'm a 38 year old male. I have been on TRT for 6-8 months (Test cyp @ 27 units/day and desiccated thyroid @ 120 mg/day). I also take Lexapro (10 mg/day). I got several new moles...

Lip allergic reaction?

I had an allergic reaction to Coco butter and couldn't take it off for over an hour (was in church, thought it wasn't serious) when I got home and washed it off all the skin on...

Blister on leg?

What would make you get a blister on your lower part leg for no reason?

Huge bump on hand?

I have a bump on my hand that use to be a blister I’m guessing. The first day I was able to pop it and have the water come out but after that, it started to get harder and bigger...

Can I do laser hair removal every week?

I want to get laser hair removal. Can I do laser hair removal every week?

What happens if you don't shave before laser hair removal?

I will have laser hair removal. What happens if you don't shave before laser hair removal?

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