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What are lentigines?

I'm 40, and I just started developing some dark, blotchy spots on my shoulder. My doctor said it might be lentigines. What are these?

How do moles and freckles differ?

I have a lot of freckles, but I'm not sure if I have any moles on my face as well. What is the difference between a mole and a freckle?

What can I do for ingrown hairs?

I used to grow out my beard, but ever since I started shaving, I've had a problem with ingrown hairs. Is there anything that I can do for ingrown hairs? Do I need to go to a...

Is peeling a sign of dry skin?

The skin on my hands and feet peels every once in a while. Is this just a matter of dry skin, or is there another problem? I try to moisturize them as often as I can.

What do blackheads look like?

I'm 14 years old, and I have these black bumps on my nose and forehead. Could these be blackheads? How can I treat them at home?

Can one remove moles without getting surgery?

I have a mole that I would like to remove, but if it leaves the typical surgical scar then I don't want it removed surgically. Is it possible to remove moles without surgery?...

Is petechiae harmful?

I have petechiae with no other symptoms. How many days will it take to go away?

Would I need to have antibiotics after Mohs surgery?

I'm going to get Mohs surgery next week, and I'm just wondering about whether or not I would get antibiotics after it's done. My dermatologist told me that this surgery has a...

How does MOHS surgery remove lesions?

I'm going to have lesions removed with MOHS surgery, but I barely know anything about it. What does this procedure involve?

Do cancerous moles itch?

I'm a 21 year old male. Recently, I've been obsessing over a mole on my shoulder that sometimes gets extremely itchy. Do cancerous moles itch?

My mole looks like it changed colors. Is this melanoma?

My mole on my arm turned into a different color. It was once brown but now it's black--or it seems black. Could this mean that it's cancerous?

How do I know if a mole is cancerous or non-cancerous?

I've heard that moles can actually be considered cancerous. I've had one on my arm all my life, and it's never been painful or anything. It's flat on my skin as well. Should...

How long is the recovery after Mohs surgery?

I'm getting Mohs surgery at the end of this month, and my doctor didn't really tell me much about the recovery time. I guess when it gets closer he'll tell me about what to expect....

Can I drive after MOHS surgery?

I'm scheduled to have MOHS surgery very soon, and I'm well aware that I do receive local anesthesia where the tumor is. But still, should I have someone drive me to my procedure...

What are the stages of basal cell carcinoma?

My mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage I basal cell carcinoma. She's worried about it spreading, obviously, but I tried to tell her that she should only focus on her treatment....

Is it possible to remove my freckles?

I absolutely hate having freckles and I want to have them removed. Is it possible to have them removed? Would I need surgery for this?

What exactly is MOHS Micrographic Surgery?

I was diagnosed with skin cancer and the doctors are removing the areas through MOHS Micrographic Surgery. How exactly does that surgery work? Is it better than typical surgery...

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