My Diagnosis Story

Barbara Kocanda: My Diagnosis Story
Barbara Kocanda Celiac Disease

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What symptoms led up to your diagnosis?

I had pain in my RUQ abdomen, unexplained itching, foggy brain syndrome, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, tingling in my feet, anemia, floating fowl smelling poops and incredibly stinky farts.

What tests did your doctor do, and what was this experience like?

I suffered for 6years going to multiple doctors none could explain what was wrong with me. I had Ultra sounds, EGD, Colonoscopy, Upper and Lower GI scan, X-rays, Blood work ups done. The experience was frustrating because all tests came back negative.  So the doctors assumed it was all in my head, and gave me antidepressant and anti anxiety medication, all of which did not help.

Upon learning about your diagnosis- what happened next?

While in nursing school I learned about Celiac disease, I realized most of the symptoms listed I had, so I diagnosed myself.  My primary care doctor still did not believe I had Celiac Disease because at the time it was emerging condition.  But it did not matter because I did.  I stopped eating gluten, Oats and artificial sweeteners.  Surprise, my symptoms disappeared!  Now if I eat just a small amount of gluten within 1-2 hours my RUQ stomach pain returns along with diarrhea. Depending on how much gluten I consumed I can be sick for 5-10 days.