I find fibro to be really a misunderstood disease. I knew nothing about it until I was finally diagnosed.

I find fibro to be really a misunderstood disease. I knew nothing about it until I was finally diagnosed.
Kathy Hummel Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia has a lot of misconceptions attached to it. What do you wish people understood about fibromyalgia?

I wish people would realize that it can be different for each person. And it changes every day. Even my sister in law is a retired RN and she tried to tell me that all I needed was to do Yoga. HAHA. I told her if I could keep my balance I might try it. Hugs hurt. I cannot make plans in advance as I am unsure how I will be doing that day or time. I have no control over the pain flare ups. People need to understand I am still the same person just trying to function with pain. Yes, I move more slowly but I am still me!! I also wear loose baggy clothing now when I do go out as it is the only thing I can handle on my skin. A trip to the grocery store, is usually enough for one day. The fatigue kicks in and I need rest or sleep. It is impossible for me to do, the things I used to do all in one day. My Saturday morning house cleaning day now takes anywhere from two to four days to complete. 

Has any one told you that "you don't look sick?"

No, I don't look sick because the pain is inside my body. However, if you could see me on flare up days, you would see how bad it can be. I hide those days from everyone. I only speak with my husband. 

Tell us, who is your biggest support system while coping with fibromyalgia?

I am the luckiest lady with this disease. Yes, I have lost some friends as I cannot always attend functions with them or I have had to cancel at the last minute. My husband is so supportive and has done so much to help me deal with this. He understands when I am having real bad days and he knows there is not much he can do, so he just checks on me every once in awhile. His family has been very understanding. My best friend has stuck by me from the very beginning. She has been through thick and thin with me. All the frustration I go through, she is there to listen, and has the shoulder for me to cry on. I also have 3 neighbors who have been absolutely the best people ever. Considering I live in a big city, my neighbors have gotten to know us and understand what I am going through. They have shoveled the snow for me and mowed our lawns. My husband works out of town 10 days then he is home for 4. So doing this work is difficult and very painful for me. My daughter and her family have learned to accept this horrible disease I have. They do a lot for me, if needed. My 3 grandchildren aged 9, 7 and 5 have a hard time understanding still and they are disappointed when I have to cancel things with them however, I do try to make it up to them on my good days. I have heard so many horror stories about husbands leaving, friends and family think they are lying and I wonder what happened to the love they once shared. That is why I feel I am so lucky to have a small group who love me and have done so much for me and try to really understand fibromyalgia