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Dr. Mydili Maniam-Mohan, M.D.

Emergency Physician (Pediatric)

Dr. Mydili Maniam-Mohan is a pediatric emergency medicine physician practicing in Detroit, MI. Dr. Maniam-Mohan specializes in providing care for critically ill and injured children. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physicians possess a vast amount of knowledge in areas such as neonatology, critical care and forensic pediatrics. Children involved in automobile accidents, child abuse or near-drowning episodes are frequent cases treated by pediatric emergency medicine physicians.
24 years Experience
Dr. Mydili Maniam-Mohan, M.D.
  • Detroit, MI
  • Sri Ramachandra Med Coll, Dr M G R Med Univ, Madras, Tn, India
  • Accepting new patients

How do I know if my child has pneumonia?

If she gets new fevers or fevers lasting more than 5 days, cough lasting more than 3 weeks, difficulty breathing with chest pains

At what age can a child take allergy medicine?

Infants above 6 months can have cetrizine and above 2 years can use Flonase or take Claritin

Should a child take allergy medicine every day?

Ideally, yes. She can can use Flonase along with cetrizine or loratadine if above 2 years of age.

Can I give my 5 year old allergy medicine?

Yes he may. He can take either cetrizine, or loratadine

What home remedy is good for kids immune system?

Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D and elderberry.

How do you boost a child's immune system?

Vitamin C, zinc and antioxidants such as berries

What age should a child take vitamins?

Usually not required if a child is having healthy meals. However, due to covid a lot of kids are indoors and therefore lack vitamin D. So that’s a good supplement to give

Are children at a high-risk for getting the coronavirus?

I wouldn’t say high risk. They are at risk just like all age groups. However, they don’t manifest the same level of complications as adults. They can still contract the disease, READ MORE
I wouldn’t say high risk. They are at risk just like all age groups. However, they don’t manifest the same level of complications as adults. They can still contract the disease, can remain asymptomatic and spread it to others. They can develop complications of the disease itself. The percentage of complications are much lower compared to adults according to current articles. Therefore, it’s important to follow the CDC guidelines to social distance, wear masks, and wash hands. This applies to children as well. 
Thank you for your question. 

How do you treat sinusitis in toddlers?

Hi there,  Toddlers don’t usually develop sinusitis as their sinuses are underdeveloped till they are around 6-8 years of age. So therefore it depends on their symptoms and READ MORE
Hi there, 

Toddlers don’t usually develop sinusitis as their sinuses are underdeveloped till they are around 6-8 years of age. So therefore it depends on their symptoms and age. Some of the smaller sinus congestion may present as a unilateral swelling to the eye.and usually accompanied with fevers. If the toddler is chronically congestion then it’s probably more allergies than an infection. 
Hope this helps. Thank you for your question.
Dr. Mydili Maniam-Mohan, MD FAAP FACEP 

Can a baby catch a sinus infection?

No, they can’t. Sinuses are underdeveloped till age 6-8 years old.