Everything You Should Know About Dental Crowns

Leonard Umanoff Dentist Brooklyn, NY

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The smile that you have is a crown that you wear every day, and it requires the same care and attention as any other regal adornment. Dental crowns, often known as "tooth crowns" or "dental caps," are essential in restoring the strength, functioning, and appearance of injured or compromised teeth. Let's delve into the world of dental crowns and explore why they are the unsung heroes of modern dentistry.

The basics of dental crowns

Dental crowns are custom-made caps used to repair a broken or weakened tooth. These crowns, made of porcelain, metal alloys, or a mix of the two, act as a protective barrier, restoring the tooth's form, size, strength, and overall look. The main purpose is to strengthen the tooth, improve its functionality, and protect it from further deterioration.

Reasons for Crown Placement

Tooth decay and damage

Extensive tooth decay or damage is one of the most common reasons for dental crown placement. A dental crown is best when a tooth has an extensive cavity that can't be effectively repaired with a filling. A dental crown wraps the tooth, creating a long-lasting protective barrier against future decay.

Fractured or cracked teeth

Dental crowns can help teeth that have been damaged or cracked due to trauma or injury. The crown keeps the broken parts together, preventing further damage and preserving the tooth from any additional pressure.

Root canal treatment

A tooth with a root canal treatment may be more vulnerable to fractures and damage. A dental crown often covers and protects the treated tooth, assuring its long-term longevity and functionality.

Cosmetic enhancements

Dental crowns are used for aesthetic aspects in addition to functional repair. They can improve the look of uneven, discolored, or poorly aligned teeth, resulting in a more visually attractive smile.

Types of Dental Crowns

Porcelain crowns

Porcelain crowns are well-known for their natural look, closely resembling natural teeth' translucency and color. Therefore, they are an excellent alternative for front teeth or other visible parts of the smile. Porcelain is also biocompatible, which reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

Metal crowns

Metal crowns, frequently constructed from alloys such as gold or silver, are known for their durability and strength. While their metallic hue is not as appealing, they are often used for molars where strength and practicality are essential.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns

PFM crowns blend metal's strength with porcelain's natural look. They are an adaptable option that may be used on both front and back teeth. However, the metal edge along the gumline may become visible with time, reducing the crown's cosmetic appeal.

The crown placement process

A dental crown is usually obtained through a series of processes. After a first evaluation and assessment, the dentist prepares the tooth by removing any decay or damaged areas. After that, an imprint of the prepared tooth is taken to serve as a template for the custom-made crown. A temporary crown may be put while the permanent crown is being made. When the permanent crown is finished, it is carefully fitted and cemented into place to ensure a safe and comfortable repair.

The Bottom Line

It is essential to recognize the importance of dental crowns in maintaining and improving our smiles. These regal restorations strengthen broken teeth and add to our smiles' overall visual appeal. So, the next time you admire your outstanding smile, remember the unsung heroes who make it possible: your dental crowns and modern dentistry's crowning achievement.