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Dr. Nausherwan K. Burki, MD


Dr. Nausherwan K Burki MD is a top Pulmonologist in Farmington, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Nausherwan K Burki MD is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Nausherwan K Burki MD is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Nausherwan K Burki MD is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Farmington, CT, Dr. Nausherwan K Burki MD is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
62 years Experience
Dr. Nausherwan K. Burki, MD
  • Farmington, CT
  • King Edward Medical University
  • Accepting new patients

Is there a permanent cure for asthma?

No, but if it starts in childhood, in a proportion, it may virtually disappear at adolescence.

Can lungs regenerate?

A collapsed lung doesn't need to regenerate, merely to expand again to its original size - which usually happens.

Is a bronchoscopy painful?

Depending on the pretreatment and local anesthesia, it is not at all painful.

Is combination therapy recommended for COPD?

Yes, combination therapy is recommended. The benefits lie in the fact that effects of the drugs are synergistic, that is, they enhance each other.

My daughter is suffering from COPD. Is it a lifelong disease?

Yes, but if the primary cause - cigarette smoking - is removed, the progression slows down.

Do asthalin inhalers cause addiction?

No, except in the sense that an asthmatic may not want to be without it since it gives symptom relief

I am having some chest pain when I breathe. What could It be?

It could be muscle pain from the chest wall muscles (if you have been coughing excessively recently), or pain from the ribs, if you hurt your chest recently, or it could be an READ MORE
It could be muscle pain from the chest wall muscles (if you have been coughing excessively recently), or pain from the ribs, if you hurt your chest recently, or it could be an infection/inflammation of the lining of the lung (pleurisy).


Yes, this could be pneumonia and requires investigation and treatment.

Why is it hard for me to breathe when laying on my side? Do my lupus have anything to do with it?

There could be many reasons - for example, if there was fluid in the lungs or pleural space or if one lung was collapsed, etc.

Is pleurisy contagious?

Pleurisy itself is not contagious. However, it may be caused by many infections, viral and bacterial, and those may be contagious.

My breathing sounds crackly and lately shortness of breath after exertion

You should be evaluated by a physician. These symptoms could be due to heart disease or lung disease.

Is nebulization absolutely necessary for bronchitis?

If the nebulization is just with warm, normal saline, there are no side effects. However, it is not absolutely necessary, but may be helpful.

What is the long term impact of asthma on the lungs?

Untreated or poorly treated asthma may result in remodeling of the tubes in the lungs (the bronchi) and cause fixed obstruction of these tubes, resulting in chronic obstructive READ MORE
Untreated or poorly treated asthma may result in remodeling of the tubes in the lungs (the bronchi) and cause fixed obstruction of these tubes, resulting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

When is one recommended a spirometry test?

Spirometry is recommended whenever there is a question about lung function, for example in known or suspected asthma, emphysema, COPD, or fibrotic lung disease.

Does breathelessness while climbing stairs indicate weak lungs?

Breathlessness on exercise could suggest a lung or heart abnormality or could be a symptom of exercise deconditioning.

Can one feel excessively sleepy while recovering from bronchitis?

Unless the bronchitis was very severe and the patient elderly, excessive sleepiness should not occur after recovery. Even if the first situation applies, recovery should be complete READ MORE
Unless the bronchitis was very severe and the patient elderly, excessive sleepiness should not occur after recovery. Even if the first situation applies, recovery should be complete within a week or so after the illness. Antibiotics in themselves are not associated with sleepiness/sedation.

Can soap residue in a nebulizer be a cause of concern?

This is unlikely to have any harmful effects, unless of course this became a chronic, daily event.

Is nebulization the same as steam?

Nebulization is not the same as steam; it refers to the generation of very small particles for inhalation. The particles usually consist of a bronchodilator medicine to help improve READ MORE
Nebulization is not the same as steam; it refers to the generation of very small particles for inhalation. The particles usually consist of a bronchodilator medicine to help improve breathing by dilating the airways in the lungs.