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Dr. Nicholas H. E. Mezitis, M.D.

Endocrinology, Diabetes

Dr. Nicholas Mezitis practices endocrinology in Athens, OH. Dr. Mezitis specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases related to hormone imbalance, and the body's glands in the endocrine system. Endocrinologists are trained and certified to treat a variety of conditions, including menopause, diabetes, infertility, and thyroid disorders, among many others. Dr. Mezitis examines patients, determines the means of testing, diagnoses, and decides the best treatment methods.
48 years Experience
Dr. Nicholas Henry Elias Mezitis, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • Endocrinology-Diabetes
  • Athens, OH
  • Heidelberg University GERMANY
  • Accepting new patients

Can I eat fruits with diabetes type 2?

Fruit is a valuable component of the diabetes diet. Attention should be paid to apportioning in the meal. A cup of seasonal fruit complements the vegetables, simple carbohydrates, READ MORE
Fruit is a valuable component of the diabetes diet. Attention should be paid to apportioning in the meal. A cup of seasonal fruit complements the vegetables, simple carbohydrates, fat and protein on the plate. The glucose response to a mixed meal as described in my book A Blueprint for Healthy Eating: Your Diet Guide for the New Millennium (2nd edition) is smooth without exaggerated peaks. Fruit consumed alone is unchecked in its absorption and generally contributes to hyperglycemia.

Can you live a normal life after thyroid removal?

Thyroid removal is indicated in situations where the thyroid is grossly enlarged causing obstruction to swallowing and breathing or when biopsy has revealed thyroid cancer. Surgery READ MORE
Thyroid removal is indicated in situations where the thyroid is grossly enlarged causing obstruction to swallowing and breathing or when biopsy has revealed thyroid cancer. Surgery should be performed by physicians specialized in this type of procedure, preferably at a major hospital center. The neck has many delicate structures that must be ptotected. Removal of the thyroid gland does not interfere with normal activities providing that the patient supplements thyroid hormone with a pill prescribed and supervised by their physician. Blood testing for thyroid hormone levels after surgery will be performed several times a year to confirm that the dosing is appropriate.

Thyroid problem?

Your thyroid test (TSH) shows that you have a 'slow' underworking thyroid (hypothyroidism). Thyroid hormone taken daily (or once a week) would correct this problem. Hypothyroidism READ MORE
Your thyroid test (TSH) shows that you have a 'slow' underworking thyroid (hypothyroidism). Thyroid hormone taken daily (or once a week) would correct this problem. Hypothyroidism will make it more difficult to lose weight because metabolism is slow and your low energy level makes you less active. You do not need free T3 testing. The TSH should be repeated 4 weeks after starting the thyroid medication to confirm improvement.

Thyroid issues

Thyroid dysfunction can relate to the symptoms you describe. When thyroid hormone levels are too low you may experience fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, dry READ MORE
Thyroid dysfunction can relate to the symptoms you describe. When thyroid hormone levels are too low you may experience fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, constipation, dry skin and hair loss. An overworking thyroid may cause rapid heart rate , palpitations, sweating, mood swings and anxiety, puffy eyes, loose bowel movements and other symtoms. Menstrual irregularites may occur with both conditions. Speak with your doctor to arrange for a thyroid panel on your blood tests to address your concerns.

Diabetes and constipation

Metformin is known to affect bowel motility. It usually causes loose bowel movements, but constipation cannot be excluded since you have made this association. A trial off metformin READ MORE
Metformin is known to affect bowel motility. It usually causes loose bowel movements, but constipation cannot be excluded since you have made this association. A trial off metformin for a few weeks will serve to clarify if this medication is the cause of your problem. There are alternatives to metformin to control diabetes and avoid bowel issues.

Hyperthyroidism and no uterus for 7 months but have vaginal discharge?

Vaginal discharge after hysterectomy should be investigated by your gynecologist. It may relate to irritation of the vaginal lining after surgery or to complications after surgery READ MORE
Vaginal discharge after hysterectomy should be investigated by your gynecologist. It may relate to irritation of the vaginal lining after surgery or to complications after surgery with fluid drainage. If the discharge is blood-tinged or you are experiencing pain, this would be cause of added concern. Vaginal infections such as yeast may cause vaginal discharge with odor. Antibiotic use can promote yeast infections. Pelvic examination with your doctor will answer these questions.

My heart is fluttering

Heart palpitations may relate to fast heartbeat or irregular heart rhythm. If these episodes are recurrent, it would be advisable to check with your primary physician or cardiology READ MORE
Heart palpitations may relate to fast heartbeat or irregular heart rhythm. If these episodes are recurrent, it would be advisable to check with your primary physician or cardiology and arrange for a 24 hr recording of your heart rhythm. Blood work may be indicated to check on thyroid function. Caffeine, stress or low blood glucose experiences may precipitate palpitations. It would be helpful for you to check your heart rate at rest. This should be between 60 and 80 beats per minute, if you are not athletic. Some individuals with diabetes run a faster heart rate if they have neurological complications.

Diabetic question?

The morning blood glucose depends on the timing and composition of the day's evening meal. Plan to eat a large breakfast, satisfying lunch, and light supper. Lunch and supper should READ MORE
The morning blood glucose depends on the timing and composition of the day's evening meal. Plan to eat a large breakfast, satisfying lunch, and light supper. Lunch and supper should be rich in vegetables. Breakfast should include an egg. The food is best consumed and digested between the hours of 4 AM and 4 PM. Metformin should be taken after the evening meal. You have a good hemoglobin A1c score. With the proper meal planning, I would expect your HbA1c will soon be less than 6 %.

I'm so hairy and I'm a girl?

Dark and coarse (terminal) hair growth in young women becomes a concern when it is noted in androgen-sensitive areas such as the shoulders, the nipple area of the breasts, and READ MORE
Dark and coarse (terminal) hair growth in young women becomes a concern when it is noted in androgen-sensitive areas such as the shoulders, the nipple area of the breasts, and tracking above the navel to the chest. Terminal hair growth in these areas suggests excess circulating
testosterone and requires medical attention. Excess testosterone may be produced by the ovaries in certain conditions, for example, polycystic ovarian syndrome. It may also be the product of an adrenal tumor. Your doctor will investigate these possibilities. Treatments with pills or
surgery will be considered once the diagnosis is made. Terminal hair growth.

I have pain under my left breast?

Pain under the left breast after meals usually associates with digestive issues, such as stomach discomfort. Stomach reflux can generate pain behind your breast bone . Heart related READ MORE
Pain under the left breast after meals usually associates with digestive issues, such as stomach discomfort. Stomach reflux can generate pain behind your breast bone . Heart related pain can appear at any time, most frequently with exertion. It generally is appreciated as intense pressure over the chest which does not change with breathing or swallowing. I suggest discussing this matter with your doctor. They may suggest special testing or try a pill to relieve stomach acidity before making other recommendations.

What should I do?

The first step would be to screen for diabetes mellitus. There are free clinics which can test for glucose and hemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood sugar average over several months) READ MORE
The first step would be to screen for diabetes mellitus. There are free clinics which can test for glucose and hemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood sugar average over several months) without charge. Local hospitals can advise you about availability. If the diagnosis is confirmed you can discuss options for medical care with a clinic social worker for programs that you may qualify for to cover medical care and supplies. Government funding is available for clinics to cover services and supplies in many cases. Pharmaceutical companies also have programs offering free medication based on income

Am I type 2, pre-diabetic, or normal?

A hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test result over 6.5 % qualifies for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Glucose results over 200 mg/dL also qualify for diabetes,. Based on the results READ MORE
A hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test result over 6.5 % qualifies for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Glucose results over 200 mg/dL also qualify for diabetes,. Based on the results that you usually see, which are below these thresholds, you certainly qualify as having prediabetes. The best way to settle the issue is to have a 2 hour 75 g oral glucose tolerance test with your doctor. The best way to improve your blood glucose profile and avoid future complications is to lose weight. I suggest you refer to my book A Blueprint for Healthy Eating: Your Diet Guide for the New Millennium.

Pain on my left side?

Pain in the abdomen that is generated with local pressure and worsens when pressure is released usually suggests irritation of the inner lining of the abdominal cavity that we READ MORE
Pain in the abdomen that is generated with local pressure and worsens when pressure is released usually suggests irritation of the inner lining of the abdominal cavity that we call the peritoneum. This can signify serious problems and requires prompt evaluation by a physician who will order tests to identify causes and suggest management. It is important to note the association of these symptoms with meals and bowel movements and to inform the physician if nausea, or fever are present.

My height?

Your pediatrician may refer you to an endocrinologist for evaluation. Expected adult height depends on the *height of both parents* and on your *bone age* measured on X-ray. The READ MORE
Your pediatrician may refer you to an endocrinologist for evaluation. Expected adult height depends on the *height of both parents* and on your *bone age* measured on X-ray. The physician may also order *blood tests* to check up on diet and digestion, thyroid function, and growth hormone production. In most cases, we are dealing with* constitutional growth delay* that does not require medication. Getting plenty of sleep at nighttime and supplementing a good diet with protein and vitamin D helps in attaining expected adult height with good development.

Nicholas H.E. Mezitis, MD, PhD

Do I have diabetes?

Being thirsty more than usual and urinating large amounts on a frequent basis throughout the day (and night) are classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus , but they may also be features READ MORE
Being thirsty more than usual and urinating large amounts on a frequent basis throughout the day (and night) are classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus , but they may also be features of other conditions. Having family members with diabetes mellitus increases the likelihood of having this problem.

You should have a blood test for glucose with your doctor. You can also check the urine for sugar with a simple test strip like those used to test for pregnancy. It is important to clarify the cause of your problem, because timely medical management can help you avoid unpleasant complications, which sometimes make hospital admission necessary.

Can thyroid problems cause gray hair?

Thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) directly affect hair follicles promoting hair growth and pigmentation. Melanin is the substance that defines hair color and thyroid hormones stimulate READ MORE
Thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) directly affect hair follicles promoting hair growth and pigmentation. Melanin is the substance that defines hair color and thyroid hormones stimulate its production in the hair follicle. Low levels of circulating thyroid hormones would reduce melanin production and are a likely cause of early graying of hair.

Food and nausea?

Do your symptoms of nausea apply to raw foods (salads), snacks, fruit, prepared meals as well? You have a good appetite but exposure to the cooking process appears to trigger READ MORE
Do your symptoms of nausea apply to raw foods (salads), snacks, fruit, prepared meals as well? You have a good appetite but exposure to the cooking process appears to trigger an unpleasant smell experience. Changes in taste and smell are not usually attributable to diabetes mellitus. They have been described in patients with brain injury and infection, such as Covid-19. Since this problem is a recent development, I would advise that you have a thorough medical check up.

Is hypothyroidism hereditary?

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underperforming. Fuel processing in the body is affected by this condition and energy levels decline. Patients may gain READ MORE
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underperforming. Fuel processing in the body is affected by this condition and energy levels decline. Patients may gain weight, become constipated and feel cold and depressed. Causes of hypothyroidism involve damage to the thyroid either through an antibody reaction triggered in the body or after physical injury such as surgery. Antibody reactions to the thyroid are frequently seen in family members, but simply having relatives suffering from hypothyroidism does not guarantee that one's thyroid will malfunction. Usually a triggering event such as stress awakens the innate tendency one may have to form antibodies against their own thyroid. Women are more likely to develop hypothyroidism under these circumstances.

What fruits should diabetics avoid?

Fruits are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They contain water important for our hydration and they are naturally flavored with fructose and glucose. Sweetness READ MORE
Fruits are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They contain water important for our hydration and they are naturally flavored with fructose and glucose. Sweetness differs among fruits. Tropical fruits and figs are high on the list of sugar content. Independent of our choice of fruit, fruit should not exceed one cup (serving) at the meal. It should always be part of a mixed meal with proportions of other nutrients i.e. protein, vegetables, starch on the plate as featured in my book: A Blueprint for Healthy Eating: Your Diet Guide for the New Millennium. A mixed meal ensures a smooth glucose response with or without medication.

Type 1 diabetic for life not needing insulin anymore?

In type 1 diabetes, individuals rely on insulin delivery, usually by injection, to lead a normal and productive life. This condition can only be reversed through the transplantation READ MORE
In type 1 diabetes, individuals rely on insulin delivery, usually by injection, to lead a normal and productive life. This condition can only be reversed through the transplantation of pancreatic tissue to secure insulin production. HCG is a hormone that supports the development of eggs and ovulation in the female's ovary. Its use in the prevention or treatment of
diabetes is considered investigational. It cannot replace insulin, but it may have a role in improving sensitivity of tissues to insulin. This could benefit patients with type 2 diabetes who are resistant to the insulin they produce. Discontinuing insulin in any circumstance should be considered carefully, with glucose monitoring and under medical supervision. In the present
classification of diabetes, individuals who no longer require insulin treatment to maintain blood glucose control cannot be considered type 1.

Nicholas H.E. Mezitis, MD, PhD