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Dr. Whitney Grandy

Physical Therapist

Whitney Grandy is a physical therapist practicing in Alexandria, Virginia. Whitney Grandy specializes in physical treatment to help a patient reduce pain, restore mobility, rehabilitate an injury, or increase movement and overall function. As a physical therapist, Whitney Grandy can treat multiple conditions with exercises, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, joint mobilization, heat, ice, massage, laser or light therapy and more. Whitney Grandy will create a treatment plan based on the patients specific injury or condition, and might target a specific body part or body system based on the individual.
Dr. Whitney Grandy
  • Silver Spring, Maryland
  • Accepting new patients

How can I treat my sciatica pain with physical therapy?

Hello, A physical therapist can help with exercise prescription i order to determine if the origin of sciatica is caused from the spine such as arthritis, stenosis, etc or if it’s READ MORE
A physical therapist can help with exercise prescription i order to determine if the origin of sciatica is caused from the spine such as arthritis, stenosis, etc or if it’s from mechanics or tight muscles. Depending on how for the feel the pain down the leg you can start with calf stretches, hamstring stretches, and lying on your back holding the back of you thigh so your leg is at about 90 degrees (as if sitting in chair) slowly straighten your knee until you feel a stretch- no pain and then pump your ankle as if you are using a gas pedal about 3sets of 20. These are some easy things to do at home. I would recommend an appointment with a therapist if these simple exercises don’t alleviate the pain.

My son is training in skating. Does he require physical therapy?

If he has a good trainer/coach and no pre-existing injuries he should not need physical therapy

Is strength training better for weight loss?

It’s best to do both cardio and strength training or resistance training for weight loss.

Can yoga help me get over my body stiffness?

Yes it can with proper training and depending on if the stiffness is only muscular.

I have a lower back pain after sex. Can physical therapy help me?

Hello, Yes, physical therapy could be beneficial for you. You should seek out a pelvic floor specialist. A pelvic floor specialist can aid in any gender. Sometimes pelvic floor READ MORE
Yes, physical therapy could be beneficial for you. You should seek out a pelvic floor specialist. A pelvic floor specialist can aid in any gender. Sometimes pelvic floor is the missing component in individuals with back pain. When you see your specialist be prepared to inform them if it’s during or after intercourse, positional dependent, and a description of your pain and symptoms.