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jungmin ahn


Welcome to the Silverlake Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic. We offers an outstanding acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine along with various healing modalities. Our clinic is specialized in Auto injury, Pain relief. We will help you to calm your mind, increase Qi and blood circulation, restore the energy so that you enjoy the life by doing what you love to do.
16 years Experience
jungmin ahn
  • Bastyr University
  • Accepting new patients

How often should you have acupuncture for nerve pain?

It's a broad question but in general, you can get acupuncture treatment twice a week until the nerve pain gets better. Once your condition improves, you may feel less radiating READ MORE
It's a broad question but in general, you can get acupuncture treatment twice a week until the nerve pain gets better. Once your condition improves, you may feel less radiating pain, numbness, tingling, etc. Your skin will be less sensitive to touch. It's important to identify which nerves are pinching and where you have pinching. Once an acupuncturist identifies the location right, he/she can feel immediate relief from pinch and roll test.

Is there a pressure point to relieve gas?

There are many factors that cause gas, but in general, You can google for those points, LI4, ST42, SP3~4, Hand Acupuncture (Palm middle), Forearm (middle in the anterior(palm) READ MORE
There are many factors that cause gas, but in general, You can google for those points, LI4, ST42, SP3~4, Hand Acupuncture (Palm middle), Forearm (middle in the anterior(palm) side). Please make sure you eat on time so that your stomach expects the food is coming to digest. Don't drink water during the meal so that you don't dilute the stomach acid. Gas is from the intestine. You need to have a healthy gut. Maybe good to have digestive enzymes. If your abdomen is cold, make warm on the abdomen so that you can get better metabolism. I hope it helps you to relieve gas.

Can acupuncture be done without needles?

Yes, we call acupressure. You can use your fingers and tools. However, you need to where and how you can apply acupressure. You can learn from my website for free. READ MORE
Yes, we call acupressure. You can use your fingers and tools. However, you need to where and how you can apply acupressure. You can learn from my website for free.

Is acupuncture for your neck safe?

A licensed acupuncturist needs to have a graduate-level of schooling. Once we understand and visualize the muscles, nerves, vessels, lymph on the neck, it is safe. Plus, your major READ MORE
A licensed acupuncturist needs to have a graduate-level of schooling. Once we understand and visualize the muscles, nerves, vessels, lymph on the neck, it is safe. Plus, your major vessels and nerves are very strong than you think, it is hard to puncture and damage with an acupuncture needle. Don't worry. Go with an experienced acupuncturist who you can trust.

Does acupuncture get worse before it gets better?

80% of my patient gets immediate pain relief from an initial acupuncture session. But some patients experience more pain for 1~2 days, then get better. Think about it. Pain is READ MORE
80% of my patient gets immediate pain relief from an initial acupuncture session. But some patients experience more pain for 1~2 days, then get better. Think about it. Pain is from not moving, stagnation. Once you have better circulation, it moves old stuff, maybe large particles. When these things are moving, it irritates the blood vessels. The matter is you get better after experiencing more pain 1~2 days or not. I suggest my patients, try on 2~3 weeks for acupuncture only because lots of patients try many treatment methods at a time. They don't know which is helping or not helping. It's good to stick with one treatment method at a time so that you can evaluate which treatment method is helping you.

How does acupuncture relieve pain?

Part 1. Increase circulation by un-pinching If you experience pain, there may be poor circulation in that area. When we have good circulation, we do not experience pain. Therefore, READ MORE
Part 1. Increase circulation by un-pinching

If you experience pain, there may be poor circulation in that area. When we have good circulation, we do not experience pain. Therefore, the key to pain relief lies in making our circulation better.

I. Think about the pinched water hose
When the water hose gets pinched or folded in some area, the water doesn’t flow due to the blockage. Instead, it builds up water pressure above the pinched area. However, if we correct the hose, it will flow well instantly (unless the hose is physically damaged). The same thing applies to our bodies. Once we correct the pinching on muscles, ligaments, or nerves, we can experience instant relief from pain.

II. Less swelling means better circulation
Swelling plays a big role in pain. As you can see in the picture, swelling pushes the nerve. When we use acupuncture to reduce swelling, we insert acupuncture needles to reduce the internal pressure caused by swelling. It’s similar to letting air out of a tire or balloon. When there is less or no swelling, the nerve is left unbothered, which in turn means less or no pain.

Part 2. Send a signal to the brain

The brain controls the function of the entire human body. It gathers information from the innermost and outermost parts of our body. If your pain turns into a chronic condition, the brain does not pay attention. It can be compared to people disregarding emails that are not a priority to read.

I. Creating a signal to get the brain’s attention

Acupuncture needles bring your brain’s attention to the problem and “order” the brain to check the situation out. The needles will increase blood flow to the affected area. The red blood cells will release oxygen and nutrients, the white blood cells will combat any pathogens and the lymph will collect and move any waste.

II. Redirecting a traffic jam

If you’ve ever been driving home and passed an accident, have you seen how fire trucks can block a whole lane? Similarly, when our body sends too much blood in one direction through one pathway, it can cause a little traffic jam in our body and creates swelling. We need to redirect it by using acupuncture or acupressure. The biggest thing to remember is that our body is interconnected. Have you ever heard of ear, hand acupuncture, or foot reflexology? Those are just some examples of how each system has its own unit and “little body”. For example, if you take ahead of broccoli and cut it into smaller pieces, you’re left with smaller pieces of broccoli that look whole or like a miniature version of the original. Each system has its own structure. Even a single cell in our body contains so much of our DNA to make us who we are. We insert acupuncture needles into digital points associated with the area experiencing pain.

Jungmin Ahn

Is acupuncture better than chiropractic?

Do you like mother or father? Mother is special, Father is special... Try both at a time, evaluate yourself. The healing journey is finding the right treatment for you, not in READ MORE
Do you like mother or father? Mother is special, Father is special... Try both at a time, evaluate yourself. The healing journey is finding the right treatment for you, not in general.

Can acupuncture cause muscle spasms?

Muscle spasm happens when there is not enough blood supply to the affected muscle group. When an acupuncturist has a correct diagnosis where you have blockage of muscles, nerves, READ MORE
Muscle spasm happens when there is not enough blood supply to the affected muscle group. When an acupuncturist has a correct diagnosis where you have blockage of muscles, nerves, or meridians, he/she can apply acupuncture to unblock the affected muscle. For example, for calf muscle, not just calf muscle itself, it may be from the lower back, sacrum, SI joint. We need to look at the whole picture. Once we identify where the blockage is, your muscle spasm can relieve with acupuncture or herbs.

Is acupuncture good for heel pain?

To treat the heel, we need to see the whole picture. 70%-80% of the heel pain is from the low back, hip, and leg alignment. When you walk on the heel, if you have pain, it indicates READ MORE
To treat the heel, we need to see the whole picture. 70%-80% of the heel pain is from the low back, hip, and leg alignment. When you walk on the heel, if you have pain, it indicates usually the issue on the L5 spine. Therefore, an experienced acupuncturist will exam the low back, hip, and whole low extremities to treat the heel pain.

How do you know if acupuncture is working?

Well. It's a broad question, but when acupuncture works, you should get pain relief with other related symptoms such as sciatica, muscle tension, and numbness, etc. Your range READ MORE
Well. It's a broad question, but when acupuncture works, you should get pain relief with other related symptoms such as sciatica, muscle tension, and numbness, etc. Your range of motion will improve. You get less pain when sitting, standing, rotating your back.

Is acupuncture good for sprained ankles?

A sprained ankle is the reason why I was interested in becoming an acupuncturist. If there is no bone broken, acupuncture will reduce the swelling and improve circulation around READ MORE
A sprained ankle is the reason why I was interested in becoming an acupuncturist. If there is no bone broken, acupuncture will reduce the swelling and improve circulation around the ankles. In order to increase the circulation on the ankle, an acupuncturist may put the needles around the upper leg, ankle, and foot. Sometimes, if there is a noticeable swelling, we use bleeding cupping to reduce the swelling or put the acupuncture needles on the opposite leg to redirect the too much blood flow on the affected leg. We can use a herbal medicine to facilitate the healing of tendons and muscles.