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Dr. Robert N. Lipner


Dr. Robert N. Lipner is a top Dentist in New York, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Robert N. Lipner is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. Robert N. Lipner is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. Robert N. Lipner is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In New York, New York, Dr. Robert N. Lipner is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
Dr. Robert N. Lipner
  • New York, New York
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

What does a dentist do for receding gums?

It depends on the source of the problem. You need an evaluation of the problem by a dentist to determine the cause and the appropriate treatment plan.

How long does it take to remove a dental cyst?

There are many kinds and the time will vary. Ask your dentist who is treating you.

How long do teeth hurt after scaling?

If it hurts at all it is usually only for a few days.

What should I eat after scaling and root planing?

Generally all foods are okay. Avoid seeds and nuts and popcorn for a couple of weeks.

How can I speed up the progress of my braces?

Speak to your dentist. Speedy orthodontics can sometimes be dangerous orthodontics!

Can I use mouthwash 1 week after extraction?

If all is going well, then yes. Use a non-alcohol mouthwash.

There's a gap between my new crown and gum line?

Not necessary to remake it unless you are sensitive if indeed the crown is sealed.

Why do I have excessive and thick saliva?

Check if the medication that you are taking could have that side effect. Also, it might pay to see a dentist who specializes in oral pathology.

Do I have oral thrush?

Do not assume you have thrush. See a dentist. It could be many other things.

Do I need surgery to fix my wisdom tooth problems?

Not necessarily. It depends if there is room for them to erupt into their positions in the mouth. Consult your dentist.

Do fillings hurt without an injection?

It depends on how deep it is and where it is located. If you need anesthetic, ask your dentist for it!!

I have bumps on the back of my tongue?

Just do diluted salt water rinse 3 times per day. If not normal in 2 weeks, then see your dentist.

How to fix my jaw asymmetry?

Oral an maxillofacial surgeon

Does gum pain mean I'm losing my teeth?

Not necessarily. There are many reasons for gum pain. See your dentist.

Can I use mouthwash after a filling?

Not likely a problem. Give it a couple of days

What is the difference between full upper dentures versus implants?

Implants are not removable while a denture is.

Is throbbing pain after a root canal normal?

There are times that it can be painful soon after treatment. Consult with the doctor who treated you to make certain there is no infection. If the pain lasts more than a couple READ MORE
There are times that it can be painful soon after treatment. Consult with the doctor who treated you to make certain there is no infection. If the pain lasts more than a couple of days, then it should be checked.

Is it normal to have pain after a bridge?

It should be rare to have pain. See your dentist. The bite may need adjustment.

How can I make my wisdom teeth stop hurting?

Do warm salt water rinses 3x per day. You may need extraction. See a dentist for the cause of the pain before they become infected.