How to Love & Feel Good About Yourself!

Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality. Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding... more

Take everyday steps to love, care and feel good about yourself. These are the most important lessons to learn in life. Giving you every opportunity to live a life of optimal health, happiness & vitality.

Begin with Small, Incremental Steps to Learn to Feel Good About Yourself

It begins with taking small, incremental steps each day to feel good about yourself, overcoming depressive thoughts and feelings. This being the core foundation to building a healthy, happy, and vital life.

More often than not people who suffer from depression, anxiety, lack confidence and who do not feeling good about themselves, become vulnerable to engaging in self-destructive habits such as taking drugs, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. Indulging in these self-destructive habits unfortunately only intensifies feelings of depression and anxiety creating a very unpleasant, unhappy life.

Learning to Love & Care for Yourself Begins With Acceptance and Gratitude

Accepting who you are, every aspect of your being and be grateful for everything about yourself. Nurturing, being kind to yourself, not allowing you or others to treat you badly, or to do things that will cause you harm.

Implement These 10 Steps — Each & Everyday to Improve your Life

1. First, most importantly, stop criticizing yourself. Whatever you tell yourself, your mind is going to believe. So, make what is going on if you tell yourself that you are okay, then your life will flow a little easier. If you tell yourself that you are not ok, or predict things are going to go badly, guess what. Chances are they will. You will make mistakes we all do, it is important to understand that and just continue to learn, because this is what life is all about, learning, changing, and adapting.

2. Release the feelings of fear. Fear will be the robber of your dreams and will “stop” you from doing the things you need to do or are meant to do to fulfil your dreams and a happy life. You know logically when something is dangerous or not. But sometimes your subconscious will perceive things as not necessarily dangerous but having self-doubt, believing that you may not have the ability to achieve something, bringing about feelings of fear. These are the feelings to put to release out to the universe replacing these with feelings and thoughts that “you can do it”.

3. Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself. Most of us suffer from the expectation of immediate gratification. We must have it now. Impatience is a resistance to learning. We want the answers without learning the lesson or doing the steps that are necessary.

4. Be kind to your thoughts. Positive thoughts are only powerful thoughts if you let them take control. Respect them, then allow yourself to come up with a positive thought or positive outcome. Allow your thoughts to build you up rather than beating you up or weighing your down.

5. Remove self-doubt & criticism. When you criticize yourself or others this breaks down your inner spirit all that is good within you. Whereas praising yourself and others builds inner respect, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Acknowledge and praise yourself for the good that you do and the accomplishments you achieve each step of the way no matter how small they may seem. It is with each small step that greatness is built.

6. Loving yourself means reaching out. Each one of us needs people, good positive people in our lives that want the very best for us. To see you achieve your goals, be your cheerleader, your commiserator when you experience times of grief, sadness, or despair. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. You really are being strong when you ask for help when you need it.

7. Love all of you. You are a unique creation of the universe, you are of divine intelligence with areas of good to be shared, areas that you may feel uncomfortable or not like about you. It is your ability to accept the good with the not so good that brings balance and love to the world.

8. Take care of your body. No matter what you may think taking care of your body will help you to feel better about you and who you are. Think of yourself in terms of something you truly love and treasure, that you will go to great lengths to preserve and care for.

9. Mirror work. This was first brought to my attention by Louise Hay, it's important to support yourself by loving yourself. First thing each morning look into the mirror and say to yourself: “I love you”. “How can I make you happy today”? Listen to your inner voice and follow through with what you hear.

10. Right now begin to love yourself. Don’t wait until the right moment or time. The minute you begin to love and approve of yourself your life will begin to change for the better. Good things will happen and you will be able to enjoy them coming into your life. Once you put these steps into place for loving yourself people around you will be happier, more accepting of you and you will be more accepting of them.

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