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Sophia Bednarski, DMD


Dr. Sophia Bednarski is a Dentist practicing in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Bednarski specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Sophia Bednarski, DMD
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • Washington University
  • Accepting new patients

Why does my 5 year old daughter keep getting cavities?

You have to look at her diet with a discerning eye. Is she eating cookies, cakes, does she drink soda, juices? If the answer is “no,” you have to discuss the issue with your dentist READ MORE
You have to look at her diet with a discerning eye. Is she eating cookies, cakes, does she drink soda, juices? If the answer is “no,” you have to discuss the issue with your dentist to determine the other causes that may contribute to the problem.

Mouth Ulcers Keep Coming Back

It sounds like the ulcerations in your mouth are recurrent aphta. They occur when the epithelium, the top layer of the lining of your mouth, has thinned. It could be caused by READ MORE
It sounds like the ulcerations in your mouth are recurrent aphta. They occur when the epithelium, the top layer of the lining of your mouth, has thinned. It could be caused by an irritant like acidic food or stress of any sort or a minor injury to the lining of your mouth. The defense mechanism of your body is making some defense cells look out of the thinning area and cause the pain, which is inflammatory so-called response. I am trying to explain this process in simple language. Proper treatment that should cover the affected area should be done in the dental office. Laser is one of the few methods of treatment.

Are there any home remedies to treat canker sores?

Some. You should discuss this with the dental professional, and would require a proper diagnosis.

How often should you floss?

Flossing every day, especially at the end of the day before you go to bed, and your teeth are properly brushed is necessary.

My molars are hurting. I already had my wisdom teeth all taken out. What can this be?

Many reasons. Need to have an examination of your entire mouth and necessary X-rays to determine the treatment plan.

What is the reason behind tooth sensitivity?

Need to see the dentist, take diagnostic X-rays, and establish a treatment plan.

I have halitosis. Is there a permanent solution to help with this?

Keep up with periodical exams, cleanings, and proper home care.

Is a root canal safe for a 3 year old?

It is probably the only solution for her troubled teeth, it’s safe. Discuss the matter with a pedodontist. Ask all pertinent questions.

How can I get rid of teeth stains caused due to smoking?

Quit smoking, and have a dental professional instruct you on how to master the technique of brushing. Keep up with professional cleanings.

I have a pain coming from my back tooth. What should I do?

Make an appointment with the Dentist

Can a cavity spread to the next tooth?

You should have a cavity in this particular tooth fixed, so you will not have any complications that may occur.


Possibly yes, but you need to discuss and understand the reasoning of the decision with your dentist or orthodontist/brace specialist.

What is the best way to treat dental plaque?

Longer and meticulous brushing and flossing and periodical prophylactic cleanings in dental office. When brushing, follow a proper technique.

How long will I have to wait for my next session after first round of root canal?

It totally will depend on how your dentist or root canal specialist feels about it.

Is teething delay in children normal?

Yes, some children are teething later than others. But if in doubt, consult with a pedodontist.

My gum hurts where my wisdom tooth was taken out. Is this normal?

Not necessarily. Go back to your oral surgeon to look at the problem.

Can pomegranate cause teeth staining?

Any dyes that are in your food or drinks can cause staining, if you don’t follow with excellent oral hygiene, meaning brushing and flossing.

Does brushing with salt help remove yellow stains from the teeth?

To be successful you need to have the professional cleaning and discuss the meter with your dentist. I don’t think that salt is a good choice

I had a root canal and the area still hurts. Is something wrong?

Definitely should go to the dentist. Was the tooth completely restored?

Are there any home remedies to treat bleeding gums?

Add the dental visit, and have them professionally cleaned, and determine the cause of bleeding gums.