Dentist Questions Canker Sores

Are there any home remedies to treat canker sores?

What are the best home remedies to quickly treat canker sores?

10 Answers


The best way to treat canker sores is to keep them clean so they can heal. A canker sore is an ulcer by definition. An ulcer is a hole in the tissue whether it is in the gum tissue or the stomach tissue. The mouth is filled with bacteria which interrupts the healing process. Keeping the canker sore clean will make it heal faster. It will also minimize the discomfort in the mean time. The best way to keep it clean is to use warm salt water rinses. I have found that in a pinch mouthwash will burn but it will feel better afterward. I tend to do this before meals as it will numb out the pain while i eat. Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD
You may use honey or alcohol swabs.
Not that I can think of. I always recommend either topical steroids, laser ablation, or decamethasone elixir.
Canker sores usually go away on their own day 5 and the pain is worst day 3. You need to avoid having any acidic or spicy foods. There are special mouthwashes to ease up the pain.
Some. You should discuss this with the dental professional, and would require a proper diagnosis.
Nothing that great really exists. The creams/meds used do not really shorten the time that the lesion will remain. Depending upon what type of canker sore you have, some subscription meds may be effective.
Hmmm, canker sores! So painful. I've heard that they come from caffeine, chocolate and nuts plus a little stress thrown in. The only home remedy that I am aware of is breaking an aspirin tablet into a size similar to the sore and letting it rest on the spot for a few hours. The aspirin changes the canker sore into a chemical burn which heals in a few days as compared to a couple of weeks for a canker sore to heal on its own.
Many people are prone to developing canker sores. It may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, particularly folic acid or zinc (and sometimes calcium). I recommend you rinse your mouth with either warm salt water or baking soda rinse (dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup warm water). You can also dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on your canker sore a few times a day. Avoid abrasive, acidic, or spicy foods that can cause further irritation and pain. There are many other home remedies which you can find on the internet as well.

Happy to help,

Dr. Hersh
The only product that I found that works approximately 100% of the time is Debacterol. It stings, but after 10 seconds, the pain is gone! Unfortunately, you can only get it at a dentist's office.

Stan Rauchwerger, D.D.S.
Apthous ulcers are best treated with an over the counter medication that is very inexpensive. But the body's immune system usually heals itself in 14 days despite whether you use the medication topically or elect not to even use medication at all. It just may make you more uncomfortable in the first few days when sore is the most tender.