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Samuel Friedman

Hematologist-Oncologist | Hematology & Oncology

Dr. Samuel Friedman is a hematologist oncologist practicing in Tamuning, Guam. Dr. Friedman specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of blood diseases such as anemia, hemophilia, sickle-cell disease, leukemia and lymphoma. Hematologist Oncologists are also trained in the study of cancer and its attack on other organs.
58 years Experience
Samuel Friedman
Specializes in:
  • Anemia
  • Hemophilia
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Tamuning, Guam
  • University of British Columbia
  • Accepting new patients

Can anemia be diagnosed with a blood test?

Of course. That is how it is diagnosed.

How do you fix a blood clot in the leg?

Usually treated with blood thinners for some time and then may have to stay these depending on what the cause was of the blood clot.

Can anemia go away on its own?

It all depends on what of the many causes is responsible for the anemia.

Can anemia be fixed?

Many different causes of anemia so depends on this. Most likely is iron deficient anemia or thalassemia minor.

How long do anemia test results take?

Only takes a few minutes once the specimen arrives at the laboratory.

What tests detect anemia?

A hemoglobin and/or hematocrit, usually part of a CBC (complete blood count)..

Can you recover from anemia?

All depends on one of the many causes.

Is anemia life-threatening?

If severe, anemia can cause death by lack of oxygen to vital organs such as the heart or brain.

Is bone marrow biopsy dangerous?

No, and done properly it is not really painful.

Can anemia be cured with medications?

Anemia is not one disease but the result of many causes. All depends on what is causing it.

How long is recovery after a bone marrow biopsy?

No time is necessary. May have a bit of pain when freezing wears off, but not severe.

How long does it take to fix anemia?

Anemia is not one disease but due to many different causes. If it is due to iron deficiency due to blood loss and the bleeding has stopped and iron has been given i.v. or is being READ MORE
Anemia is not one disease but due to many different causes. If it is due to iron deficiency due to blood loss and the bleeding has stopped and iron has been given i.v. or is being taken orally, the response should start in about a week and talk as long as it does to make up the deficit...about a month.

How long is the treatment for anemia?

It all depends on the cause. If it is the lack of iron or a vitamin it may be as simple as replacing the missing element. If due to marrow damage it may be a much longer treatment. READ MORE
It all depends on the cause. If it is the lack of iron or a vitamin it may be as simple as replacing the missing element. If due to marrow damage it may be a much longer treatment.

Can local anesthesia be used for a bone marrow biopsy?

Of course. I never use anything more and if one knows how to properly perform the procedure it is relatively painless. If anything more is advocated, I would question the skill READ MORE
Of course. I never use anything more and if one knows how to properly perform the procedure it is relatively painless. If anything more is advocated, I would question the skill of the performer.

Which anesthesia is selected for bone marrow biopsy?

If done properly, a local anesthetic is all that is necessary.

What can I do for anemia?

Many types of anemia. Important to find cause and treat cause as well as anemia. See a doctor.

Does acupuncture help blood flow?

No. It is likely due to vessel blockage with atherosclerosis. An arterioplasty may help or bypass surgery and some medications.

Is radiotherapy effective for blood cancer?

It may be used as part of treatment for some lymphomas but not for leukemias other than for certain very special instances.

Does acupuncture help poor blood circulation?

No. See a skilled physician if you have a problem with circulation which is likely an arterial blockage that will require some minor surgery.