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Gurmukh Singh


Dr. Gurmukh Singh is a pathologist practicing in Augusta, GA. Dr. Singh is a doctor who specializes in the study of bodily fluids and tissues. As a pathologist, Dr. Singh can help your primary care doctor make a diagnosis about your medical condition. Dr. Singh may perform a tissue biopsy to determine if a patient has cancer, practice genetic testing, and complete a number of laboratory examinations. Pathologists can also perform autopsies which can determine a persons cause of death and gain information about genetic progression of a disease.
53 years Experience
Gurmukh Singh
  • Augusta, GA
  • Armed Forces Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

How long does it take to get bone marrow biopsy results?

It may 3-5 days, as the bone needs to be decalcified to process the bone marrow biopsy.

Do you get anesthesia for thyroid biopsy?

A needle aspiration would not require anesthesia. A needle biopsy may be under local anesthesia. Open biopsy is generally done under general anesthesia..

Is licking a poisonous substance dangerous?

Licking a chemical is like licking salt and some of will get absorbed and enter his bloodstream.

Test results?

All laboratory/imaging results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Talk to the doctor READ MORE
All laboratory/imaging results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Talk to the doctor who ordered the tests. Having said that, your eGFR is lower than ideal. Wish you good health!

How can I raise my child's iron level?

How do know that she has low iron? It would be prudent to consult her pediatrician. You may give her a multivitamin with iron, available over the counter.

How long is recovery after a bone marrow biopsy?

You may resume your activities the same day.

Do you need to be sedated for a prostate biopsy?

Local anesthesia, without sedation is usually adequate.

Stage 3 kidney?

Your issue warrants an investigation by a nephrologist and is not suitable for advice in this forum.

Drug testing?

What blood test? Testing for tobacco use usually involves testing saliva and urine and not blood.

Can you take too much B12?

You cannot take too much vitamin B12, but if you are deficient in B12 you may need to take it by injections. Talk to the doctor who ordered the lab tests. S/he can get a B12 level READ MORE
You cannot take too much vitamin B12, but if you are deficient in B12 you may need to take it by injections. Talk to the doctor who ordered the lab tests. S/he can get a B12 level test.

What test shows kidney infection?

Urine examination and urine culture are the usual tests for kidney infections.

When do you get the bone marrow biopsy results?

Bone marrow biopsy needs to be treated to remove calcium from bone before it can be processed, it usually takes 3-4 days. If special tests are needed, it may take up to a week READ MORE
Bone marrow biopsy needs to be treated to remove calcium from bone before it can be processed, it usually takes 3-4 days. If special tests are needed, it may take up to a week or so.

Can you drink alcohol after a kidney biopsy?

I take a hard line to alcohol, and I would say NO. Alcohol is a poison that never did anybody any good, ever, so stay away from it. It will destroy your brain cells, damage testicular READ MORE
I take a hard line to alcohol, and I would say NO.
Alcohol is a poison that never did anybody any good, ever, so stay away from it. It will destroy your brain cells, damage testicular cells that make testosterone, facilitate development of cancer in many organs, cause hepatitis, cirrhosis and pancreatitis etc. There is no safe level of alcohol intake. Quit while you are ahead.

How long is the biopsy of the prostate?

The procedure for doing prostate biopsy may take about half hour, depending on the number of cores taken. Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If READ MORE
The procedure for doing prostate biopsy may take about half hour, depending on the number of cores taken.
Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If special studies are or consultation is needed, it may take a week or so.

How long should I wait for the biopsy results?

Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If special studies are or consultation is needed, it may take a week or so.

Do you get biopsy results the next day?

You may. Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If special studies are or consultation is needed, it may take a week or so.

When will I receive liver biopsy results?

Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If special studies are or consultation is needed, it may take a week or so.

Will I get the lung biopsy results the next day?

You may. Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If special studies are or consultation is needed, it may take a week or so.

How long does it take to get liver biopsy results?

Results of biopsy of soft tissues are usually available in 1-2 days. If special studies are or consultation is needed, it may take a week or so.