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Michael Smith


Dr. Michael Smith is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) who provides transformational naturopathic and integrative medical care for individuals of all ages. His specialties include helping individuals with ADHD, heart disease, diabetes, allergies, thyroid conditions, and more. He particularly loves working with pediatric patients and helping optimize their health for decades to come. He approaches each patient holistically and works to optimize the foundations of health, including diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management. He uses a broad range of naturopathic therapies, including nutritional counseling, herbs/botanical medicines, homeopathics, hydrotherapy, physical medicine, and pharmaceuticals when needed.
1 year Experience
Michael Smith
  • Ammon, ID
  • Nat. Univ. of Natural Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Can natural remedies treat insomnia?

Most definitely. As a naturopathic physician, I always like to identify and treat the root cause - what is really causing insomnia in the first place. A correct diagnosis leads READ MORE
Most definitely. As a naturopathic physician, I always like to identify and treat the root cause - what is really causing insomnia in the first place. A correct diagnosis leads to the correct treatment plan. With my patients, I always work with them on general sleep hygiene but also tap into many different naturopathic remedies, such as botanicals/herbs, homeopathy, and addressing underlying health conditions that may be contributing to insomnia. The short answer is yes. The natural remedies are really tailored to the patient and their unique health needs.

Are there any herbs that can treat anxiety?

Yes! I love treating anxiety using botanical medicine/herbs. Herbs like lavender, chamomile, lemonblam, passion flower, and milky oat tops are part of a group of herbs called nervines. READ MORE
Yes! I love treating anxiety using botanical medicine/herbs. Herbs like lavender, chamomile, lemonblam, passion flower, and milky oat tops are part of a group of herbs called nervines. These herbs help nourish and calm our nerves in wonderful gentle ways. I have seen a lot of success using these herbs for anxiety.

What is the best natural remedy for varicose veins?

Many different natural things can be used to support varicose veins. This includes lifestyle adjustments, movement, diet, overall heart support, homeopathy, herbs, and more. It READ MORE
Many different natural things can be used to support varicose veins. This includes lifestyle adjustments, movement, diet, overall heart support, homeopathy, herbs, and more. It is hard to give specific answers because the treatment may likely be different for each patient, but the short answer is yes, natural solutions are there!

Would you recommend naturopathy treatment for severe diabetes?

Yes! Naturopathic medicine has many therapeutic options for the treatment of diabetes. Many naturopathic treatments can be given alongside insulin and other conventional treatments. READ MORE
Yes! Naturopathic medicine has many therapeutic options for the treatment of diabetes. Many naturopathic treatments can be given alongside insulin and other conventional treatments. In general, naturopathic medicine takes a whole-person, root-cause approach to better understand individual patients and the many different influences on their health. In other words, we treat the patient, not just their diabetes. Licensed naturopathic physicians can be found through or