
1 What is Kantrex?

Brand: Kantrex

Generic: Kanamycin

Kantrex is an antibiotic used to treat certain infections in the body. Kanamycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that works against a wide range of infectious bacteria. Kanamycin belongs to the aminoglycoside class of antibiotics.

Kanamycin works by preventing bacteria from producing essential proteins, causing cell death. Doctors prescribe Kanamycin injection to treat serious infections in the body.

Kanamycin works only for certain bacterial infections. It will not work for infections caused by fungi or viruses.

Kanamycin requires a prescription.

Like with any aminoglycoside antibiotics, Kanamycin can cause serious risks to the kidney and can cause hearing loss. These risks are increased by using Kanamycin with other nephrotoxic and neurotoxic drugs.

Using Kanamycin with anesthetics or painkillers can cause paralysis of muscles used for breathing, which can prove fatal. Patients using Kanamycin must be closely monitored to detect and for early intervention of side effects.

Only use Kanamycin according to doctor’s instructions.

2 What to know before using

Before using Kantrex, you must know all about the risks and complications associated with it.

Aminoglycoside antibiotics include Streptomycin, Amikacin, Tobramycin, Gentamicin, and Neomycin. You cannot use Kanamycin if you are allergic to it.

Do not use Kanamycin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Kanamycin is an FDA pregnancy category D drug, which means it has positive evidence of causing harm in unborn babies when given to pregnant mothers.

Tell all your health problems to your doctor before receiving Kanamycin.

Tell the doctor if you have the following health conditions:

Kanamycin must be used with extreme caution in children and infants.

Tell the doctor all the medicines you take before receiving Kanamycin.

The doctor needs to know if you use the following medications:

  • Injectable antibiotics like Amoxicillin. Placing Kanamycin in the same container with other antibiotics may reduce its effectiveness
  • Other injectable antibiotics notably cephalosporins such as Cephalexin, Cyclosporin, Fludarabine, and Methoxyflurane. These antibiotics may increase risk of kidney problems when used with Kanamycin
  • Recently received vaccines or immune globulins
  • Antiviral drugs, including HIV medications
  • NSAIDS such as Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, and Naproxen
  • Loop diuretics such as Furosemide, which can increase risk of hearing loss
  • Muscle relaxants such as Pancuronium and Succinylcholine
  • Digoxin

3 Proper usage

To use Kantrex properly, you must follow all instructions given by your doctor.

Kanamycin is an injectable drug, and you can only have it in the hospital or doctor’s clinic. The doctor will determine your dose based on body weight. Kanamycin can be injected into the muscle (intramuscular route) or infused into a vein (intravenous route).

Kanamycin is given for short-term only, usually for 7 to 10 days.

The doctor or a health professional will inject Kanamycin into the buttocks. Kanamycin is injected twice a day, or if higher doses are needed, every 6 to 8 hours. The doctor will order regular lab tests to check your overall health condition and detect early signs of side effects.

If given through intravenous route, Kanamycin is infused two or three times daily. Kanamycin must be infused very slowly. Care must be taken not to infuse Kanamycin with other medicines.

You must finish the whole course of treatment with Kanamycin. Continue to take the medicine as prescribed even if you start feeling better.

Health professionals will give you Kanamycin, so overdosing and missing a dose is unlikely.

4 Precautions to take

Before using Kantrex, there are some precautions you must take.

If you are prescribed with Kanamycin, make sure to finish the treatment course. Stopping or even temporarily treatment can cause the bacteria to become resistant to Kanamycin that makes it harder to treat.

You will have to undergo lab tests from time to time while receiving Kanamycin. This will help the doctor determine if the medicine is working and to check for early signs of side effects. Always keep up with clinic and lab appointments.

Kanamycin can cause dizziness. Note that certain medicines and alcohol can increase this effect. Do not drive, operate heavy machinery or perform crucial tasks after receiving Kanamycin.

Some Kanamycin preparations may contain sulfites, which can cause allergic reactions in individuals with asthma. Ask the pharmacist if the Kanamycin you are using contains sulfites.

To reduce risks of kidney problems, drink plenty of fluids while receiving Kanamycin. You can ask your doctor about your daily fluid requirements.

If you receive care from another doctor, a dentist or will undergo lab tests, make sure your care providers know you are receiving Kanamycin.

5 Potential side effects

As with many medications, there are several potential side effects associated with Kantrex.

Call the doctor if you experienced the following side effects while receiving Kanamycin:

  • Severe allergic reaction signs such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, swelling of the mouth, nose, tongue or throat
  • Kidney problem signs such as passing out too little urine
  • Hearing loss
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness or fainting
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness or tingling sensation
  • Continuous ringing or roaring in the ears
  • Irritation or presence of discharge in the vagina

Kanamycin can cause minor side effects such as:
