
1 What is Nasalcrom?

Brand: Nasalcrom

Generic: Cromolyn

Nasalcrom is used to prevent or manage symptoms of seasonal or chronic allergic rhinitis. These symptoms include a runny nose, wheezing, sneezing, and/or itching.

This medication’s effects prevent the mast cells from creating substances that trigger the allergic reaction. During the first few weeks of treatment, an antihistamine may be prescribed alongside nasal cromolyn especially in the treatment of chronic allergic rhinitis.

This medication can be purchased without a physician’s prescription. It is usually sold as a nasal spray.

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2 What to Know Before Using

Before using Nasalcrom, you must know all about the risks and complications associated with it. You and your doctor need to talk about the different factors that could influence the efficacy of Nasalcrom in your treatment.

Inform your physician if you’ve had allergic reactions to any of Cromolyn’s ingredients or to similar drugs. Also, disclose information on food, animal, dye, and other medication allergies.

The effects of this medication on children younger than 6 years old have not been studied. It is expected that Cromolyn will have the same effects in older children as in adults.

There is minimal research on the side effects of Cromolyn in geriatric patients, but it is expected to garner the same effects with those demonstrated in younger adults.

There is no specific information regarding Cromolyn’s effects on an unborn child, and its use in pregnant women must be weighed carefully.

For nursing mothers, a physician must be consulted first before using Cromolyn. Drug to drug interactions with Cromolyn is not well studied.

Inform your physician about other medications that you are currently taking. Inform your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease since these can influence the concentration of nasal Cromolyn in your body.

Nasal polyps can block the passage and limit Cromolyn’s efficacy.

3 Proper Usage

To use Nasalcrom properly, you must follow all instructions given by your doctor. Be informed and read the patient information sheet that comes with the packaging.

The proper way to administer cromolyn nasal solution is also illustrated in that sheet. A spray device is used to administer this medication. Keep the nosepiece clean and germ-free by wiping it with a clean tissue every after use.

Do not let anyone else use your spray device. Make sure that your nasal passages are clear before administering the medicine. Also, while you are spraying, inhale through your nose. This allows the medication to enter your system.

To prevent symptoms, take nasal cromolyn 1 week before exposure to triggers and use it every day throughout the duration of the exposure. Generally, for adults and children older than 6 years old, it is advised to administer 1 spray per nostril 3 or 6 times a day.

If you forget a dose, take it immediately if the next schedule is far off. If it’s near, skip it and resume regular timing. Keep your medication away from the reach of children and at room temperature.

4 Precautions to Take

In using Nasalcrom, you must be careful and take some precautions as advised by your doctor. As mentioned earlier, Nasalcrom must be used with caution in patients with liver and kidney disease.

It should not be used to treat bronchospasm, asthma, sinus infection, or cold symptoms. You might experience stinging or sneezing after every dose. This usually goes away a few minutes after spraying the medication into your nose.

Stop using Nasalcrom if you have: 

You also need to discontinue use if you develop hives and/or swelling of the mouth or throat. Consult your physician if your symptoms worsen or do not improve.

5 Potential Side Effects

As with many medications, there are several potential side effects associated with Nasalcrom. Nasalcrom also has some adverse reactions associated with it.

These may or may not need medical attention. These adverse reactions include:

  • dizziness, headache, rash, urticaria, angioedema, nasal irritation and congestion, and sneezing

This medication can also cause:

  • irritation of the throat and trachea, wheezing, cough, and bronchospasm.

It can also affect the gastrointestinal system. Symptoms include:

  • nausea and unpleasant taste after each dose.

Watch out for severe allergic reactions and get help immediately if you think you’re having a bad reaction. Also, check with your physician if you develop new symptoms.

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