Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Broken fibula?

I broke my fibula (hairline fracture) and put it in a cast for six weeks. After 4 weeks of rehabilitation, I was using my crutches to walk on a slippery floor and then one of my crutches slipped and instinctively I stepped on my broken leg to prevent a fall but I felt a mild pain for some minutes, and then it was gone. Now I feel it swelled more than normal and have pain in my ankle. What do you think?

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Conditions: Mild pain on my ankle

5 Answers

I am an optimist and I suspect nothing major has happened. I would ice it and elevate for a couple days. Good idea to repeat X-rays and ensure stability. Re-fracture is unlikely, but better check.
Good luck and Happy thanksgiving!

NIcola Fabbri
You should go back to your treating orthopedic surgeon. If it is still within 90 days of the initial visit, there will be no charge (except for the X-ray). Was this an ankle fibula fx? Or was the fibulae broken higher up in the shaft of the bone?
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I think you probably sprained your ankle. Certainly at your age the fibula was well healed. If pain persists, a new X-ray is indicated.

Christopher B. Michelsen, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, FACS
After 4 weeks your fracture is like being glued together but not firm like cement. If pain resolves within day or two should be no worries. If becoming more severe or just not going away see your doctor and get follow up radiographs to make sure fracture is healing appropriately. Good luck.
Likely okay, but get a follow-up X-ray to be sure.