Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Can a flu shot make a baby sick?

My 2 month old baby will get a flu shot. Can a flu shot make a baby sick?

5 Answers

2 month old baby is not ready for the Flu shot.
Minimum age is 6 month for the Flu shot.
Actually flu shots are not approved until 6 months of age. At that time your baby can get a flu shot but for the younger ages the shot is inactivated, not live, so the shot will not make your baby sick. Occasionally children will have some soreness or redness at the injection site, fever 1-2 days. Body rash, high fever or other severe reactions in children and babies are rare with the flu shot and are outweighed by the benefit . However, if your child has an egg allergy check with your pediatrician first as some kids with egg allergy may have more severe reactions.
In general infants and children do very well with the flu shot. It is however only recommended for infants 6 months and above. Two month infant should not get the flu vaccine.

George Rogu MD
Flu shots are not given until 6 months of age. Like any vaccine, a low grade fever is possible but any high fevers, allergic reactions or other unusual symptoms should be reported to your pediatrician. A child cannot get the flu from a flu shot. It can take a couple of weeks to give some immunity so if exposed during that time they can catch the flu.
The flu shot is approved for 6 months and older. Usually, patients do not get sick from the flu shot.