Allergist and Immunologist Questions Allergies

Can dog hair cause allergy for my toddler?

I have a son who is 3 years old. We are planning to get a dog but I am worried if the dog hair could cause an allergic reaction for my toddler. Can allergy testing be done on a child this young?

4 Answers

Dear concerned mom,

Yes, your son can certainly be tested by a certified allergist. I see such cases almost daily and we can test not only for cat and dog dander, but also other common animals that are commonly considered as pets. Your concerns can safely be addressed by taking your son for a proper allergy evaluation.
Best of luck.


Monika Korff, MD
Yes, your son could be allergic to the dog. Yes, you can have your son tested for dog allergy. Check with an ALLERGIST IMMUNOLOGIST to have him tested.

Talal Nsouli, MD, FAAAAI

Dog hair can cause a problem for your toddler. Skin testing to dog will help a bit. If positive, he is more likely to have a problem on exposure to dogs and dog hair. If negative, he might be OK but could become allergic later. If one or both parents have allergies it makes it more likely that your toddler will have a problem, also. There is no way to predict for sure how much problem he will have.

Dr. Chu
Yes. You can do allergy testing on a 3 year-old. The better question is SHOULD you do allergy testing. He may not be allergic now, and may never be allergic to dogs. But he could also become allergic. IF you really want to get a dog, talk to your local allergy specialist first. And of you decide to get one, please make sure you get a kid-friendly breed. That is very important.