Councelor/Therapist Questions Psychologist

Can therapy fix anxiety?

I have anxiety. Can therapy fix anxiety?

17 Answers

cognitive behavioral therapy and anxiety reduction strategies can help reduce anxiety and panic symptoms. At times, medication may be added to help with counseling.
Therapy can be highly effective in treating anxiety for many individuals. While it may not completely eliminate anxiety for everyone, therapy can significantly reduce symptoms and provide individuals with valuable tools and strategies to manage their anxiety more effectively.
Therapy will give you tools to help with managing the symptoms. But overall anxiety is manageable and can be "fixed" without therapy, its all about learning about your triggers and how they affect and how you deal with it
Absolutely therapy can help. Depending on how your anxiety shows up, specific to you, the techniques used might be different. But, in general, yes therapy is a great way of addressing anxiety.
CBT is considered the "gold standard of care" for anxiety disorders; so its likely to benefit you.
Think of anxiety as something that everyone has to a varying degree and in different situations. Anxiety is a naturally occurring emotion to help us stay safe. Sometimes the anxiety response does not match the stimulus though and we have to wonder why. My point is there's no such thing as "fixing anxiety". Therapy will help someone recognize and better cope with their anxiety. It's not black and white. It is gray.
Anxiety is the mind and body's reaction to a perceived threat or fear. Most of the time, there isn't a real threat, which is where anxiety can become problematic. I absolutely believe that with therapy, people can learn about their triggers and patterns and learn new cognitive, behavioral, and calming/grounding techniques to help their body and mind feel safe when they are safe. It takes time and work to make the changes, but it is entirely achievable.
Absolutely! You are not anxious because you have anxiety, you are anxious because something is bothering you, triggering you or causing you to feel off. My work focuses on getting to the root of the problem. Once we know what caused the problem we clear and heal the area so you are free of that trigger, then you are given tools so that you can continue to progress without anxiety. Sending much love and joy
Yes, talk therapy is extremely beneficial.
There is nothing to be fixed in my opinion however therapy can definitely decrease the level of anxiety one experiences so that they can have a better life
Yes! CBT AND DBT therapy are great for anxiety !
Most patients who suffer from anxiety are able to reduce or eliminate symptoms after several (or fewer) months of psychotherapy, and many patients notice improvement after just a few sessions. Psychologists are highly trained and will tailor a treatment plan to address the unique needs of each patient.
Therapy can't fix anxiety but it can help the individual maintain a healthy lifestyle by helping and offering tools and tips to maintain.
Therapy can help provide tools to manage the symptoms of anxiety or identify the root cause.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to identify and correct unhealthy and unrealistic thought patterns that one has while suffering from anxiety. The goal is to help individuals modify their behaviors, thoughts and feelings and change them to be more realistic, helpful ones. Receiving professional guidance is helpful and therapeutic when it comes to identifying the roots of your anxiety and working to heal it in treatment. In psychotherapy, patients also learn coping skills that will help them better manage their response to anxiety. Psychotherapy can provide individuals with a new perspective on their situation, which enables them to regain control, reduce physiological and psychological symptoms and adopt effective strategies that will help them deal with stressful situations with more ease and confidence. You can also learn and adopt stress management techniques. If your anxiety is causing a major decline in work or school or you have a hard time coping with everyday life, getting some additional support can be helpful.
Cognitive restructuring or reframing is a common CBT technique that has you look at your negative thought patterns, and once you are aware of them, you can learn how to reframe these thoughts so they are more positive and productive. Journaling and thought records are another CBT technique that helps you get in touch with your own anxiety-inducing thoughts. Goal setting is another technique that helps the patient identify their goals, their start point, the steps that they need to take to achieve their goals and then to get started with the first actionable step.