Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Can veneers cause tooth sensitivity?

I got my veneers last week. My teeth became sensitive. Can veneers cause tooth sensitivity?

5 Answers

Not usual, but speak to your dentist about this. You may have to switch
toothpaste or use a night guard for bruxing (most common reasons)
Not always, but it can be a minor complication following the placement of
fillings, crowns or veneers. It usually will subside within a week or so,
but if it continues, you should seek the evaluation of a dentist, most
likely the doctor who placed them originally.
Yes, there is often some sensitivity after a typical veneer procedure, as
there is a need to adequately reduce the tooth inorder for the veneer to
look natural. However, most of the time in healthy tooth, the sensitivity
is minimal and short lived.
Hope this helps
Dr David Salah
Veneers themselves don't cause sensitivity but the preparations prior to veneer placement may have caused the sensitivity. Let your doctor know. He/She can help you to reduce or eliminate sensitivity.
Yes, that is very possible. Similarly to crowns, veneer usually involve the removal of tooth structure. Post-op sensitivity can be expected even with a filling.

Cold hypersensitivity can persist for a few weeks after any restoration. Using Sensodyne toothpaste can help reduce sensitivity. Desensitizing agent can be applied in the office, that can help with this sensitivity as well.