Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Does ankle surgery require general anesthesia?

I will have ankle surgery next week. Does ankle surgery require general anesthesia?

8 Answers

I recommend that you speak with your surgeon regarding this concern.
Most of the time. Sometimes it can be done under a regional block.

Some fractures do. Many can be done with LMA or MAC.
No, general anesthesia is not required.

Richard Bruch, M.D.
No. Ankle surgery is usually done with a spinal nerve block where the anesthesiologist injects some numbing medicine around the nerves in your lower spine so that it makes the lower half of your body numb for about 1-1.5 hours. We also typically use nerve blocks around the leg that last longer so that pain is minimal for several hours after the spinal block wears off.
Not necessarily.
Depending on the procedure, General anesthesia may be the best option. I recommend discussion with your foot and ankle surgeon regarding this aspect of the surgery
Yes, it does require anesthesia