Gastroenterologist Questions Abilify

Frequent solid bowel movements

I am 22 years old, female, college student. I have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome as a child, so I am on Sertraline 50 mg, Abilify 15 mg, and Focalin 15 mg.

I have frequent bowel movements about 30 times a day whether I eat or not, since I was very young. I am not constipated, no diarrhea, no blood in the stool, no stomach pain except for a lot of gas. The stools are always good, type 4 long one like a sausage, sometimes a lot comes out but still poop throughout the day which is time consuming, and I always have to look for bathroom.

Other than that, I am healthy. My question is, should I be concerned about such unusually frequent bowel movements every day?

Thank you for your time.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: Sertraline 50 mg, Abilify 15 mg, Focalin 15 mg.
Conditions: Asperger

2 Answers

30 times a day seems excessive
Chronic issue but would see doctor.
This is not a normal bowel habit.
If you have no weight loss or anemia, then it is not too concerning but it does seem to merit some GI work up.
You should not have to use the bathroom so many times each day.