Nurse Questions Personal Emergency Response Attendant

How can I raise my blood pressure immediately in an emergency?

I have low blood pressure. How can I raise my blood pressure immediately in an emergency?

1 Answer

When you have feelings of drop in blood pressure, like dizziness, going to pass out. Immediately change your position. If you are standing to sit down. Sitting to lay down and raise your feet above the heart level. If you feel like you have some time, you can drink coffee, tea, energy drink and soda. Also dont confuse with your low blood sugar. If you are diabetic, please check your blood sugar if you have Glucometer at home. If you are diabetic and you are on oral or on insulin you have no glucometer to check, go by your symptoms. Drink orange juice if available or a cup of milk or sugar candy. Always keep phone by you to inform someone about your condition. If you have low blood pressure being to experience symptoms like cold, clammy, blue skin rapid or shallow breathing, heart palpitations or chest pain. Confusion or loss of consciousness, you may need medical attention. Call for Emergency care immediately.
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