Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

How quickly does acupuncture work for stress relief?

I will get acupuncture treatment for stress relief. Is it effective? How quickly does acupuncture work for stress relief?

18 Answers

First, we will conduct an examination before proceeding with dry needling. While patients may generally experience instant results, responses may vary based on their medical histories and conditions. Depending on the severity, patients may need to follow up within 3-7 days.

During the follow-up appointment, we will evaluate the difference the patient has experienced since the initial acupuncture treatment. Based on this evaluation, we can create a personalized treatment plan for managing their symptoms.

If we find limitations in improvements, we will apply a holistic approach by exploring different treatment plans that may better suit the patient's needs.
During the . you would start to feel relief
Acupuncture with herbs, and sometimes massage, can treat and help relieve anxieties, stress and depression. The number of sessions depends on the severity. I suggest you try it.
Usually very quickly
Dr. Leila
Most patients refer that after the first treatment they started to feel a big relief on stress.
Usually in the first treatment.
usually with in the first treatment people feel less stressed out. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Acupuncture can change your mood immediately!
Acupuncture is very effective for stress relief. Most people feel an immediate effect after the first treatment. However, it would be best to receive treatment once a week for 4-6 weeks initially. Thereafter, you may want to go once or twice a month. Everyone is different.

Cindy Laprocina, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.
How quickly does acupuncture work for stress?  Almost immediately.  No matter what I am treating,  patients invariably leave feeling more relaxed.  The treatment will wear off over time,  but consecutive treatments usually give a more lasting effect.
My patients often relax during the treatment itself and then sleep deeply that night. How much beyond the first night after the first patient varies widely from patient to patient and effects do tend to be cumulative. Good luck!
Acupuncture can be very effective for stress relief. Most patients feel significant relief after the first treatment , and longer lasting relief after a few treatments
Very quickly actually!
It depends on the individual... our medicine is tailored to each individual. In general, in my experience, changes like this are rapid, or they take months. Which type are you like? I don't know. But make sure you are actually experiencing REAL ACUPUNCTURE! Anything less would be you not really trying this system of healing. Find a fully trained professional in Chinese medicine, possessing a master's degree AND 5+ years experience in this field. Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and even Physical Therapists (dry needling) are able to do what looks like acupuncture (but isn't) with a couple weekends of training or less. Buyer BEWARE!
It is effective. It might take some time to say, may need to take 2-3 sessions.
My patients generally feel more relaxed after every treatment, but lowering your overall stress levels takes time and a series of treatments - I can't tell you how many as every person is different.
Yes, acupuncture is typically effective for stress relief. Usually patients are noticing a difference in the first few minutes after needles are inserted.