Critical Care Medicine Specialist Questions Gastroenterologist

Is a gastritis attack a medical emergency?

I have gastritis. Is a gastritis attack a medical emergency?

2 Answers

Gastritis is worrisome because it can bleed. Stomach bleeding from gastritis can be nonstop and abundant. It is not always an emergency. But it always requires remediation and healing. Several essential steps: adjustment of food intake to soft only and no spicy foods and small amounts; fluids that are bland; no alcohol intake; no chunky food; being assessed asap by a physician; taking the appropriate medication to reduce stomach acid; avoiding aspirin and other NSAID medications; gastroenterologist recommended for endoscopy; testing for stool blood; testing for Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach.

No, it is not. Chronic gastritis is not thought to cause symptoms. Acute gastritis might cause pain. Be careful about the diagnosis of "gastritis". Many physicians tell patients they have gastritis without proving it, and oftentimes gastritis is not the explanation for symptoms.
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