Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Is acupuncture good for shoulder pain?

I have shoulder pain. Is acupuncture good for shoulder pain?

15 Answers

only if other modalities have failed do I rec to try this because no proven success with acupuncture of shoulder pain
Yes. Acupuncture with massage and herbs can help your shoulder gradually.
Yes acupuncture can be very effective for shoulder pain.
yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes, it is a good treatment option for shoulder pain.

Dr. Lejla
Acupuncture is very helpful, especially in pain control situations. It is important to find out what causes the shoulder pain because if it is due to arthritis, or plexitis or neuralgia acupuncture would be the best. If however, you suffer from tears of ligaments in your shoulder joint aka "rotator calf" surgery is the only remedy.
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Yes acupuncture is great for shoulder pain. You should seek out to an acupuncturist and address this issue plus the underlying cause of this condition.
Yes, acupuncture is good for shoulder pain.
Yes, acupuncture can be very helpful for shoulder pain. I would look for an acupuncturist nearby and check in with them.
Yes acupuncture is very effective for all types of pain
Yes, but if that’s caused by a torn rotator cuff; see an orthopedic surgeon.
Yes, acupuncture is an excellent choice of treatment for any kind of pain - including shoulder pain.