Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterlogist

Is it really gastritis?

I'm a 20 year old women and I've been suffering from this for years. Doctors have told me different things about what it could be but I'm not exactly sure what it truly is. So ice had pain in my foot and it shoots up to my chest and sometimes my skin feels tinder-like pins and needles my doctor says it could be gastritis but it doesn't feel like that either. One doctor told me it was a heart murmur when I had a stomach virus but I'm not sure if it's that either. Since I had a high fever then and it went away. I wonder if its nerve pain or is it something else?

Female | 20 years old
Medications: Asthma pump
Conditions: Asthma, scoliosis,ezcema

1 Answer

What you describe does not sound like gastritis. I agree with you that a nerve problem is the more likely explanation. Don't settle for gastritis as an answer - it is a throw away diagnosis when doctors don't know what's going on.
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