Radiologist Questions Radiologist

Is radiation necessary after prostate surgery?

I am a 52 year old male. I want to know if radiation is necessary after prostate surgery?

2 Answers

Treatment for any cancer is individualized. Some of the critical facts that help determine the need for radiation are cancer type, stage and grade. These are critical, and every cancer patient should commit these to memory. These numbers are more important than your social security number or your wife's birthday. Learn them. Know them. Talk to your Urologist and Radiation Oncologist. Find out what the NUMBERS are for someone with your stage and grade. What is the survival with, and without radiation? What is the likelihood of cancer coming back, with and without radiation? How often do complications arise? The answers to these questions should come as numbers, not words. Words like "unlikely" or "unusual" are not nearly as helpful as numbers like 20% or less than 1%.
Only if prostate cancer has metastasized.