Hepatologist Questions Hepatologist

Is this normal on my HIDA scan?

I am 22 years old, I have recent onset of right upper quadrant pain. It's worse after eating lasting longer than 30 minutes, Positive Murphy's sign on the exam. A gall bladder ejection factor of 87% doctor saying it's normal on my HIDA scan? The MRI was found to be normal. The ultrasound found no gallstones to be seen no acute abnormalities.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months
Medications: Lamotrigine busbar

3 Answers

You need to see a gastroenterologist. Make sure there are no ulcers and no neoplasm in the stomach. Your gastroenterologist would personally review the MRI just to be sure that the right side of the abdomen is normal. Another possibility is symptomatic gallbladder disease. Sometimes lesions in the right colon may present as upper quadrant pain. Please see your gastroenterologist right away.
Yes, the HIDA scan is normal. It does not appear that the GB is the explanation for your pain. Look for another cause, such as nonulcer dyspepsia.
Yes your bids scan has normal results.