Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Knee pain?

About 5 days ago my knee started hurting. It's swelling and red. I am getting headaches and fatigue. Today I can no longer put any pressure on it so I can hardly walk. I didn't fall. The pain is unbelievable. I would give it a 9 out of 10.

Female | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: Ibuprofen
Conditions: none

7 Answers

My recommendation for you is to visit your PCP.
If you are experiencing that much pain without injury you should see your primary care physician or an urgent care to determine the cause of your pain.
You need to go to an emergency room!!
Hi, that needs medical attention. Infection can cause that. Gout and some types of arthritis can too. But a hot painful red knee should be checked in person by a doctor.

If you have swelling, headache, fatigue, or sudden onset of severe pain, visit an ER visit to make sure.
I hope you are feeling better, but if you are still having these problems, you should get checked out by a Health Care provider.
May have an infection and need antibiotics.See your doctor pronto!