Internal Medicine Questions Pathologist

Lab test?

I went to the emergency room a few days ago. They did a CBC and the metabolic comprehensive blood test. Everything was normal. They also did a urine test which I came out with a UTI. The lab work was normal but the total protein in the metabolic comprehensive test was a little high 8.6. What does this mean? They didn't tell me it was abnormal they said everything looked ok.

Female | 28 years old
Medications: Pantaprozole
Conditions: Severe heartburn

2 Answers

Normal protein level in an adult range from 5.5 to 9.0 grams. You presently are in the normal range established by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Different laboratories have different ranges of normalcy. Eating too much protein including supplement is not necessary. a balance regular diet will suffice. In addition, too much protein in blood can cause kidney damage. In other words, high protein intake can cause intraglomerular hypertension, resulting in kidney hyper filtration, glomerular injury , and proteinuria. Thank you.
What was the reason you visited the Emergency Room? Was it for the UTI?UTI's usually don't affect most laboratory tests (except white blood cells(. However, your test results appear normal. At age 28, you're probably otherwise normal.