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My daughter has covid pneumonia?

My daughter has post covid pneumonia with pre-existing CMT and trigeminal neuralgia, it's taking a toll on her. Is regeneron, hydroxychloroquine, or anything except remdesivir a possibility to help? Remdesivir was used in the hospital much to my dismay. She is on oxygen, her heart rate resting is 135ish, oxygen around 94 resting. The only movement is using the bathroom which sends her heart rate way up and oxygen way down and a crying spell that last about 5 minutes because she cannot breathe and is scared to the max. I think she should be in the hospital but they keep sending her home. Two 911 calls. She is 37 years old.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: 4 weeks ago Covid delta variant
Medications: Oxy and gabapenten
Conditions: Trigeminal neuralgia and Charcot Marie Tooth

1 Answer

I am sorry to hear your daughter's condition. At present, it appears she has severe lung disease. Most of the drugs you mentioned are used and useful  at the early stages. At her current stage there's little data but some hopeful anecdotal reports are coming out. The best results seem to be with the Ivermectin (the falsely claimed horse dewormer). If you can find a dr. that is willing to try it; it's worth a shot. It sounds like she needs to be on steroids and possibly antibiotics. Whatever you do, PLEASE make sure she mobilizes and doesn't JUST lay in bed. If she doesn't mobilize, her lungs will get worse.

Dr. F