Urology Questions Urologist

Orchidopexy procedure?

I'm a recent testicular torsion patient. I have always wondered during orchidopexy if the scrotum is contracted or relaxed? Does either case have implications for placing sutures or bleeding?

4 Answers

The scrotum remains normal (swelling) unless you develop post-surgical bleeding or infections.
The scrotum is most commonly contracted due to the OR being kept rather cool, but neither case presents an impediment to suture repair nor has a tbesring on bleeding postoperatively.
It depends on the patient's healing and anatomy. Consult Urology.
During orchiopexy oh, because of the anesthesia involved, the scrotum is completely relaxed. Stitches are placed through the scrotal wall into the testicle so that the testicle doesn't twist anymore. Because the scrotum is more relaxed, it's easier to manipulate the testicle and perform the surgery. Should it have been contracted, it would just be more difficult to
dissect. Bleeding would not be affected by the scrotum being relaxed or contracted.
I hope this helps.