Urologist Questions Urologist

PSA Level?

My husband had a serious infection in his arm that required heavy antibiotics by intravenous for 6 days in the hospital. When he got home he had blood in his sperm 4 times. He had a prostate exam which was good, but his PSA went up from 2.17 to 4.69. The bloody sperm is gone, but the urologist said if his PSA doesn’t drop in 6 weeks he will do a biopsy. He is 70 years old. Could the PSA raise from the infection or antibiotics? The infection did travel to the lymph nodes under his arm.

Male | 70 years old

4 Answers

I will need to know the interval of time for the PSA rise from 2.17 to 4.69 It is reasonable to repeat the PSA and, if still elevated, will need prostate biopsy. Infection or the prostate could elevated the PSA, but so does prostate cancer. Patient may have a combination of both. Biopsy will give the answer.

Luay Susan, MD
I would wait 2-3 months to repeat the PSA; if it does not come (patient has agreed with plan) down, he may need a TRUS
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I would agree if his PSA stays above 4.0 ng/ml to have a biopsy done. Typically an infection and antibiotics would not cause a PSA elevation unless the infection was near the prostate such as in the bladder or caused a prostatitis. Since the infection was in his arm, If the infection made it to his blood stream or was able to travel to the prostate then possibly,. The stress on his body from having the infection and being in the hospital could have caused an increase in PSA, however, the blood in his sperm is concerning.
Any infection near the prostate gland, including a urinary tract infection, can irritate and inflame prostate cells and cause PSA to go up.