Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Vaccination for Mysthina Gravis patient?

Could you help me to clarify or confirm whether a Myasthenia Gravis patient (myself) can have the Covid vaccination? I will be having my vaccination - SINOVAC, is it OK?

Male | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 0
Medications: Mestinon / prednisolone / Azathioprine

5 Answers

Consult with your PCP first
Please check with a NEUROLOGIST
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The vaccine has been advised, but MG patients may not get the full benefit of the vaccine. I would strongly advise you to consult with your neurologist.
You should ask your neurologist. To confirm, my opinion is yes, you are better off getting the vaccine than not. Why the Chinese vaccine? Is it available in the US?

There is no reason to avoid vaccination due to myaesthenia. However, you are also on Prednisolone, which might inhibit your ability to respond fully to the vaccine. You should check with the doctor who prescribed this. Also, I would look up the sinovac on the internet to see if it is the best option given the alternatives out there.