Dentist Questions Dentist

What are the most natural looking dentures?

I want to get dentures. What are the most natural-looking dentures?

1 Answer

Since every denture has the possibility of being different (or "natural"), it's completely dependent on the dentist and lab technician. The most natural dentures we ever made for a patient were dentures that didn't have perfectly aligned teeth. Having said that, there are a lot of patients who express the desire to have a natural-looking denture, but when that option was presented, many patients declined and opted for the perfectly-aligned denture (I've never had perfect teeth before so now's my chance"). Figure out what you want and make sure your dentist provides you with what's called the "try-in" appt for your denture, where you get to view the set up when it's been waxed-in and not processed in acrylic yet. That allows any changes to be made easily, whereas changes after the dentures are processed, require a total remake of the denture.