Critical Care Surgeon Questions surgeon

What doctor should I see for appendix pain?

I have had bad appendix pain already for 2 days. What doctor should I see for appendix pain?

7 Answers

This is a good reason to present to the emergency department to be evaluated by a provider in the ER. It is likely that you may have a ultrasound or CT scan to look and ensure that your appendix is indeed the cause of the pain. A surgeon may also evaluate you if your appendix is inflammed
Bad appendix pain? Each person is unique - we assume can only assume without radiology ( an US or a CT scan) that your appendix is in the right lower quadrant - unless you are looking at your open abdomen you dont know what your pain is causing your pain.
If you have pain that is preventing you from living your life go see your PMD.
Appendicitis is an emergency and I would recommend being seen in the nearest emergency department to get the right treatment.
Visit ER, but normally GI
You should go directly to the closest emergency room.
You should go to the Emergency Room and, upon working you up, they will call a surgeon. You cannot possibly be sure it is your appendix, and, even if you were right, diagnosing yourself is dangerous. I am a surgeon and take care of patients with appendicitis all the time - I would still need someone else to diagnose the reason of my pain, not myself.
Your primary care doctor or the emergency room. You will likely need a CT scan to evaluate the pain.