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Nicole Falls


Dr. Nicole Falls is a general surgeon practicing in Marshall, MN. Dr. Falls specializes in abdominal contents including the stomach, hernias, small bowel, gallbladder, colon, and anorectal concerns. She also specializes in both benign and malignant breast care. General surgeons are able to deal with almost any surgical or critical care emergency, also involving the skin or soft tissue trauma. Dr. Falls provides is passionate about emergency general surgery and providing elective robotic and laparoscopic surgery. Dr. Falls provides quality surgical service for gravely ill or injured patients and is able to respond quickly due to knowledge of various surgical procedures.
7 years Experience
Nicole Falls
  • Marshall, MN
  • Saba University
  • Accepting new patients

How long is surgery for an inguinal hernia?

inguinal hernia surgery length can vary. typically open inguinal hernia surgery is about 1-2hrs. Minimally invasive approaches range from 1.5-2.5hrs. These are all variable however READ MORE
inguinal hernia surgery length can vary. typically open inguinal hernia surgery is about 1-2hrs. Minimally invasive approaches range from 1.5-2.5hrs. These are all variable however based on the size of the hernia and how long you have had it for as both of those can make surgery slightly longer

Is a polypectomy painful?

A polypectomy is not usually painful. There may be some bleeding after removal of the polyp but not usually pain. However, if you do develop significant pain usually within 24-48hrs READ MORE
A polypectomy is not usually painful. There may be some bleeding after removal of the polyp but not usually pain. However, if you do develop significant pain usually within 24-48hrs after polypectomy it is important to reach out to your doctor or go to the ER as this may be a sign of something more serious.

Can hemorrhoids be fixed in a natural way?

Hemorrhoids may be able to be fixed in a natural way. Smaller internal and external hemorrhoids may be able to decrease in size by increasing water intake to >60oz of water a day READ MORE
Hemorrhoids may be able to be fixed in a natural way. Smaller internal and external hemorrhoids may be able to decrease in size by increasing water intake to >60oz of water a day and increasing fiber intake through either diet or supplementation. The biggest point to keep in mind with hemorhoids is to avoid constipation and straining to have a bowel movement

What pain medication is given after hernia surgery?

Pain medication that is given after hernia surgery is greatly varied across all providers. Commonly your doctor may advise tylenol or ibuprofen. You may also get a stronger narcotic READ MORE
Pain medication that is given after hernia surgery is greatly varied across all providers. Commonly your doctor may advise tylenol or ibuprofen. You may also get a stronger narcotic for pain control too. The amount of pain you may have after hernia surgery will depend on the size and location of the hernia and whether the surgery was does open or through small incisions

Is inguinal hernia serious?

Any surgery is serious surgery. There can be complications or bad outcomes with even minor surgery. Inguinal hernia surgery is one of the most common procedures we do, however READ MORE
Any surgery is serious surgery. There can be complications or bad outcomes with even minor surgery. Inguinal hernia surgery is one of the most common procedures we do, however can still be considered major surgery depending on other risk factors.

How long is recovery after lipoma surgery?

Lipoma surgery recovery is typically straight forward and many patients are able to return to normal activities the following day. If your lipoma is very large your surgeon may READ MORE
Lipoma surgery recovery is typically straight forward and many patients are able to return to normal activities the following day. If your lipoma is very large your surgeon may leave a drain behind in which case recovery may be slightly longer.

What doctor should I see for appendix pain?

This is a good reason to present to the emergency department to be evaluated by a provider in the ER. It is likely that you may have a ultrasound or CT scan to look and ensure READ MORE
This is a good reason to present to the emergency department to be evaluated by a provider in the ER. It is likely that you may have a ultrasound or CT scan to look and ensure that your appendix is indeed the cause of the pain. A surgeon may also evaluate you if your appendix is inflammed

What is the treatment for internal hemorrhoids?

The treatment for internal hemorrhoids is variable. Options span from increasing fiber and water in the diet, to internal hemorroidal banding, to surgery.

When can I exercise after abdominal hernia surgery?

Every surgeon is different in terms of how long they would like you to wait until resuming exercise, so speak with your surgeon. However, walking is highly encouraged as soon after READ MORE
Every surgeon is different in terms of how long they would like you to wait until resuming exercise, so speak with your surgeon. However, walking is highly encouraged as soon after surgery as possible to help with pain and decrease the risk of blood clots.

What pain medications can I take after hernia surgery?

Depending on the type of hernia surgery will determine what pain medications I recommend after surgery. If hernia surgery is done in the inguinal region (groin) commonly I recommend READ MORE
Depending on the type of hernia surgery will determine what pain medications I recommend after surgery. If hernia surgery is done in the inguinal region (groin) commonly I recommend tylenol and ibuprofen. Larger ventral (umbilical) hernia surgeries need medication stronger than tylenol and ibuprofen

Is vasectomy safe?

As with any procedure there are risks, but vasectomy surgery is safe. Typically it is done on the office and the procedure itself is about 20min total.

Is it normal to have pain after hernia surgery?

Hello, yes it is normal to have pain after surgery. Most people start to feel like themselves again within 5-14days. But if you feel like the pain is worsening or you have fevers READ MORE
Hello, yes it is normal to have pain after surgery. Most people start to feel like themselves again within 5-14days. But if you feel like the pain is worsening or you have fevers or become nauseous you should see your doctor.