Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

What does acupuncture do for chronic sinusitis?

I have chronic sinusitis. What does acupuncture do for chronic sinusitis?

10 Answers

I would discuss this with an acupuncturist for full information. I have heard that accupuncture can help in some people.

Kay Kelts
Acupuncture is supposed to help relieve inflammation ( swelling ) and pain when done by a trained professional. Therefore, it is worth giving it a try to see if it can improve nasal congestion and mucus drainage. Please make sure the acupuncturist is familiar with the technique and has experience performing the procedure.
Acupuncture with herbs, and sometimes massage, should be able to help with your chronic sinusitis and relieve your symptoms. I suggest you try it.
acupuncture and herbs can relieve this condition. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
I usually like to give a Chinese Herbal formula along with the acupuncture for chronic sinusitis. I also like to use far infra red light. Working with the diet would also be recommended, eg. cut out inflammatory foods, especially dairy.
Acupuncture can heal chronic sinusitis.
Acupuncture can certainly handle chronic sinusitis. I would call the practitioners near you and ask if they've had good success treating it. They may also prescribe some herbs for you to take and perhaps some dietary changes. Be open to what they have to say and you may be quite pleasantly surprised.
Acupuncture is addressing underlying cause of the symptoms. Acupuncturist will first find the cause of the symptoms and treat it. Symptoms will improve with time. Good luck
Dr. Leila
Trying to explain the how or why of acupuncture is very complicated. The basis of Chinese medicine is holism or systems theory. The basis of most modern biomedicine is reductionism. Trying to reconcile one in terms of the other is a square peg-round hole proposition.

Acupuncture has been shown to have a multitude of effects in living organisms. One of those is the down regulation of the immune system with an overall lowering of systemic inflammation. Since sinusitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the sinus membranes, lowering inflammation in general can often have a beneficial effect.