Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What is the best natural muscle relaxer?

I am a 33 year old male. I want to know what is the best natural muscle relaxer?

9 Answers

The medicine "Muscle Relaxer" is actually misnamed! It is actually a tranquilizer, which will make you sleep, but does not actually relax your muscle(s)! One of the best ways to relax a muscle that is in spasm is electrical muscle stimulation in combination with ice (20 minutes on, 40 minutes off).
So, non-medically speaking, magnesium is a great relaxant for muscles. Medically speaking, I believe it’s flexiril. Depends on what you’re looking for. Heat can also help relax muscles as well. Use of infrared heat helps naturally.

Vishal K. Verma, DC CCSP

Formula 303 from Dee Cee laboratories.

Jeffery P. Jones, D.C.
In my experience the best natural muscle relaxer is Magnesium. I prefer Magnesium Chelate. Dosage depends on your weight.
Kava Kava is an herb that can be used as a muscle relaxer. Be sure not to take a large dose and operate heavy machinery.
These include the following foods, supplements, and techniques:
Cherries and tart cherry juice. Share on Pinterest Cherries and tart cherry juice may act as natural muscle relaxants. ...
Blueberries. ...
Protein. ...
Magnesium. ...
Curcumin. ...
Pomegranate juice. ...
Arnica. ...
Magnesium helps tremendously with muscle spasms as well as being well hydrated.
Magnesium counteracts the calcium that most people have excess amounts of in their diet because of dairy and many of the products that include dairy in them. Balancing out the Mg and Ca in the body helps relax the muscles. Epson salt baths are great for this as it is a Magnesium salt and is easily absorbed into the skin. Valerian root is also a great supplement to relax muscles.
Sometimes minerals like calcium or magnesium or Valerian root