Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

What to do next?

Hi, I had an episode of hard to speak, form words and think, weakness in limbs, fading perception, could only say help. help. Then sat with head between legs and revived. EMTs arrive to verify that my pressure is high 160/100, blood sugar is 117, and O2 was normal. I'm on keto for 4 days had very little potassium and salt, maybe electrolytes? I never had that kind of speech problem with anything b4? I am worried that I should be assessed for a stroke. I have had panic attacks but not with speech trouble. In this episode, I felt very heavy and on the verge of blackout but didn't. While fasting I have stood up too fast and had to wait a while to come back to focus, this was similar but couldn't speak. I'll need to go to the ER otherwise and would rather avoid that due to Covid19.

Male | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 13/8/2020
Medications: none
Conditions: none

5 Answers

From what you describe, it would be prudent to go to the ER when this happens. It could be due to an electrolyte disorder, low blood sugar, dehydration or other, more serious, issues.
You should go to the ER! Need to have blood work and physical
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Short answer: If you are still having any of those symptoms, then go to the ER immediately as you may be having a stroke. IF the symptoms have resolved, you need to see your regular doctor (or get one if you don't have one) within 3-4 days. You need lab work, an EKG, and possibly a CT scan of the brain. These are very serious symptoms and need to be evaluated by a doctor. Just in case the keto diet is a factor, I would stop it immediately until you can discuss your options with a physician.

Stephen B. Cox, MD, BCEM
Go to the ER and be evaluated
Absolutely you need to have someone take you to the ER ASAP!