Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Why do I feel sick after having coffee?

I am a 19 year old female. I want to know why do I feel sick after having coffee?

4 Answers

Not sure what you mean by "sick," but most people mean nausea. Hard to say why this is happening with so little information provided. Is it only coffee that does this? And is it coffee at any time of day? Nausea is a very nonspecific symptom that could be related to an abnormality from any organ system (not just GI), so a detailed history is needed to try to narrow down the possible causes.
Please visit your primary care physician ASAP. Your symptoms may be harmless or harmful. Thank you.
Avoid it for now and try drinking tea instead. It may be due to pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions. It may be due to sensitivity to the ingredients in your coffee such as milk, sugar, or other sweeteners/flavors.
Many things can happen with coffee that can upset your stomach. Most importantly, the caffeine can cause an increase in stomach acid and that can make you feel sick. Also, coffee can stimulate the colon and if you are constipated, it can cause you to feel more pressure while trying to have a bowel movement. The best thing is to limit your caffeine intake and try to drink more water to see if your stomach will feel better.