Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I drink coffee after a teeth cleaning?

I am a 24 year old male. I want to know if I can drink coffee after a teeth cleaning?

8 Answers


If you are getting a regular dental cleaning, yes, you can drink coffee afterwards. The biggest worry about drinking coffee after a cleaning is coffee's ability to stain your teeth. This staining affects different people in different ways and is a lot less powerful when you add milk to your coffee. If you are having a deep cleaning, then you might have some soreness afterward, which could be aggravated by hot coffee.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD

Yep, but remember that coffee will stain your teeth
You can drink coffee after a cleaning, in fact, because your teeth are free from any tartar or plaque, you'll notice your teeth won't stain as much. The staining that some people get from drinking tea or coffee happens because people have more plaque and tartar on their teeth before they drink those things. The cleaner your teeth are before you drink liquids that have staining potential, the less staining you'll get.
The short answer is yes. If you have a general dental cleaning you can drink coffee afterwards. However, if you have fluoride varnish applied after your cleaning you will need to wait three hours before you drink anything hot. Keep in mind coffee can stain your teeth.