Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a rib pop back into place?

I am a 42 year old male and I have a dislocated rib. Can a rib pop back into place?

12 Answers

Yes, a rib could pop back into place on its own. Due to the articulations our ribs have with our thoracic spine, it may go back to its normal location with thoracic motion. However, if it remains out of place the muscles, ligaments and tissues in that area will tighten up and may create a more long-term problem. I would suggest going in to get evaluated by a chiropractor to be sure the thoracic spine and ribs are in the right place.
Yes, it can happen. It's not terribly common period because, once any bone moves out of place, the body's natural protective mechanisms kick in and cause significant muscle cramping around the bone period to stabilize it from going further out. The downside is it usually prevents them from going back into place also.
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Definitely, chiropractors are well equipped to handle that issue depending
A rib can go back into place by itself. However, depending on how long it has been out of place and the degree of muscle spasms around the rib subluxation it will have to be adjusted to be put it back in place.
Yes, a rib can pop back into place. Many times they lose their normal articulation of movement when someone bends over awkwardly, sneezes or coughs multiple times. Your ribs have two motions; a caliper style movement opening outward from the front and a bucket handle movement up and down. Sometimes when ribs dislocated or "subluxate", they can re-occur more frequently and require manual intervention.
No, it's not going to magically fix itself. Go see a chiropractor to correct the subluxation of your rib, if that's in fact what's causing your pain.

Dr. Lonna Denny, D.C.
Most ribs can pop back depending on how dislocated they are. Typically they just subluxate (lesser than dislocate) at the joint in the thoracic spine and are easily corrected with chiropractic adjustment. Some can roll on a foam roller to get it back in as well.

Vishal K. Verma, DC, CCSP


It is possible if the displacement is mild enough. Many rib misarticulations require a re-alignment and gentle muscle therapy to correct the problem.


Dr. Shirin Gulledge
It is possible by stretching bending forward bowing the upper spine while hugging yourself followed by extending the chest while projecting your arms behind you. Do this repeatedly a few times. If it doesn't work see a chiropractor.

Yours in health,

Doc J

It sure can. I obviously like to get mine properly adjusted back into place by my chiropractor but it’s very possibly for them to go back into place. I see it often when people use a foam roller on their back.
I actually had that happen to myself. A seatbelt during a motor vehicle accident can cause this to happen as can other traumas. It’s rare that ribs go back into place by themselves, but it can happen.
Yes it is possible for a rib to slip back into place. If the ligaments which hold the ribs in place are damaged, then the rib may pop in and out more frequently.